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I have overslept.

I cannot believe that I overslept.

I never oversleep, so why did it have to happen today?

I missed breakfast and no one woke me up!

I'm hungry!

"Look who finally decided to wake up and grace us with her beauty while others have to work their ass off every day - the little princess of Orton! Did your dragons leave you behind after all? Were you not good enough for them?".

I pause dead in my tracks and stare to my right where I can find a group of knights gathered in the training ground, their eyes looking annoyed as they stare me down like I'm some kind of pest they have to get rid of.

Yoongi told me I could show them my teeth, right? I can bite them?

"Who knows, maybe they were the ones not good enough for me, and what are you going to do about that, huh? At least I have beauty working for me, all you have going for yourself is your ability to cut things in half, you lousy scum".

Backs straighten up and jaws fall agape before one of them grabs his sword to point at me.

"You arrogant- you think you're all that now that you have the dragon knights' attention, is that it? Maybe we ought to remind you that when it comes to actual skills, you're way below us!".

Oh, he didn't!

"Oh yeah? Let's test it out, then, you piece of shit" I grumble before grabbing the sword at my hip, the shine of Namjoon's scales under my palm enough to give me the strength I need to beat their asses and then beg for breakfast in the kitchen, I am not in a mood to be messed with right now!

Unaware that my group of mates are observing from a distance with their backs against a wall, curiosity keeping them from stepping in because they want to see how much I improved from training with them, I get into position in front of the first knight who seems to think that this will be over just as fast as it started.

I adjust my stance to fit what I always see Taehyung do, and the dragon's eyebrow lifts at the detail that not many would notice otherwise.

Let's just get this done and over with so I can eat something, damn it!

One of the knight's friends signals for the duel to begin, and I watch as he immediately runs forward to get the first hit in, something that used to sometimes work against me in the past, except that this time, his movements feel... kind of slow?

I side step, then use the momentum of his lost balance to push him down to the ground with my foot, and before he can stand up with a confused glare, a sword to the neck stops him from fooling around any longer.

I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Is that all you've got? This is quite disappointing".

"Give me the sword, Dave, I'll give her a taste of her own medicine" another knight utters between his teeth before taking his friend's place, and I sigh before getting into the same position as earlier because now that I'm trying it in an actual battle, it's pretty great. It gives me more ease to move more quickly and my body feels less awkward than when I use the stance I learned years ago.

We humans truly have a lot to learn from dragons.

This time, no signal happens when the knight simply decides to swing his sword at me, but against all odds, I block it easily before countering with a swift swing of my own, and he manages to block only the first one before I send his weapon flying up and behind him.

Huh. Interesting.

"You were saying? Maybe my medicine is not so bad after all, maybe you're the one who ought to change yours" I let out for all to hear and Yoongi grins proudly while my opponents grit their teeth in anger, are they being humiliated by a woman right now?

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