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The pungent smell of coffee swam through the room as the duo giggled, sitting comfortably in the cozy corner of the office breakroom. Tzuyu and Seungmin were scrolling through the company's unofficial forum known as "Tzuyu no Gossiping," a hub for rumors, office banter, and sometimes, surprisingly accurate insider information.

"Check this out, Seungmin!" Tzuyu pointed excitedly at a thread discussing a recent power couple . "People are so talented how did they edit such good picture of Ricky and some random guy so well and apparently they are employees here!"

Seungmin leaned closer, his curiosity piqued. "New employees? That's odd. I haven't heard anything official about that." "Right?" Tzuyu chuckled sipping her Americano "The is just no way ".

"About?", A new voice chimed in causing the duo to jump from their previous position ."Nothing Matthew-ah," Tzuyu awkwardly chuckled, attempting to divert attention away from the topic. "Just some harmless office rumors."

Matthew raised an eyebrow, his eyes glinting mischievously as he took a seat beside them. "Office rumors, eh? Show me what's got you all flustered."

Tzuyu nervously scrolled through the thread, hoping to dodge the specific post about Ricky and Gyuvin. However, the pictures of the supposed "power couple" were too captivating to ignore. Seungmin shot Tzuyu a concerned glance, knowing the potential repercussions of Matthew discovering the gossip.

"Wait a minute," Matthew's eyes widened in disbelief as he caught sight of the photos. "That's... Ricky?"

Tzuyu's heart raced as she tried to diffuse the situation. "It's probably just a rumor, Matthew-ah. You know how these forums exaggerate things."

But Matthew was fixated on the images. He scrutinized the pictures, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. His mind whirred with disbelief, trying to reconcile the familiar face in the photo with his best friend, Ricky.

"That's impossible," Matthew stammered, his voice filled with astonishment. "Ricky working here? How could I not know?"

Seungmin glanced at Tzuyu, silently pleading for help. Tzuyu attempted to downplay the situation. "It's probably just a look-alike. You know, people who resemble celebrities. It happens all the time!"

Matthew's gaze pierced through Tzuyu's explanation. "But that really looks like him. I need to check this out."

Tzuyu and Seungmin exchanged worried glances as Matthew hastily stood up, his mind racing with a million thoughts. He was torn between the unbelievable possibility that his best friend was secretly working in the same company and the confusion about how he could have missed such a significant detail.

"Wait, Matthew-ah!" Tzuyu called out, but Matthew was already on his way out, determined to verify the authenticity of the photos and unravel the mystery.

As Tzuyu and Seungmin watched Matthew disappear down the hallway, a sense of dread washed over them. They had inadvertently triggered a chain of events that might lead to the revelation of Ricky's secret employment. Unsure of what lay ahead, they anxiously awaited the outcome of Matthew's investigation.

Matthew's heart raced as he spotted Ricky a few desks away. Unable to contain his curiosity and growing disbelief, he hurriedly made his way over to Ricky, his mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions "Ricky! Can I have a word?"

Ricky turned around, trying to maintain a casual expression. "Hey, Matthew! What's up?". He had totally forgot Matthew worked here...

With an almost theatrical intensity, Matthew leaned in closer, his eyes wide with shock. "Ricky, I need to talk to you. Like, right now."

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