"A quick flirt" 🇺🇸🇷🇺

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The pair was walking around on the snowy streets, it had already become a little dark. The sun had set and the street lights were already illuminating the ice that began to collect on the asphalt and the icicles which formed under every roof. The USA complained about the chilly cold, which unsurprisingly had no effect on Russia. Used to the season, he only ignored his boyfriend's attempt to nag but still the American managed to convince him to buy him a warm drink. The guy smiled cutely so Russia gave in.

After swallowing down their drinks, they quickly headed away from the public eye, clinging to each other behind a big oak. Russia grabbed the other's chin, wrapping the left hand on the American's back, they pressed their lips together and had stupid smiles while pecking one another. The USA laugh was contagious, making Russia unable to restrain himself and they fooled around a bit more as the glittering snowflakes fell slowly around them. The cold air already had their cheeks in a red flush but the steam from heated breaths warmed their cold skin, making the chilly December air not as distinct and for once the USA got used to the icy temperatures.

The USA was about to say something, wanting to comment about how Russia's mouth tasted like warm coffee but he didn't have time to insert a word before accidentally pushing the taller one towards the wooden stem, making the oak vibrate and the snow, which had been resting peacefully on its branches fell down on the pair. A yelp echoed while Russia grunted from the sudden wet cold which uncomfortably spread down from their head and accidentally beneath their clothes. Shivering promptly yet busting out a snort when spotting that the USA had gotten most of the hit, looking like a snowman. Now he only lacked the black stone eyes and the carrot nose.

"Brrr, get it off me!" The USA laughed, shaking his whole body while patting away the snow. It was light and still fluffy so most of it could be swatted off. Russia grinned, entertained by this silly view, yet it was cute.

"It fits you, snowman. Should we buy a carrot for you?" It was said sarcastically as he brushed off the remaining snow from the guy's shoulder and the USA squinted his eyes at him, not impressed by this joke. Wrapping two gloved hands around the partner's waist, the two had already fooled long enough behind the tree. Someone could soon spot them if they continued to linger so it was time to wrap this up.

"You're killing me here... it's already cold and the snow is everywhere. I think I got some in my mouth..." the USA grimaced, complaining, but promptly transforming the expression into a playful smile. "Want a taste of snow? It's a pretty good last offer before we go if you ask me."

"Are you asking me if I want to eat snow? You sound like an idiot right now."

"Hey, wait a minute! You know that's not what I meant. And don't tell me you haven't eaten snow as a small kid. Ain't no way you haven't done it."


"Is that a yes I hear?"

Russia snorts, looking away, rolling his eyes.

"Have no one ever told you that you have a dumb jester's tongue?"

"What an arrow to the heart! Why are you being so mean? Come on! I'm just pulling your leg." The USA laughed, blowing a stupid raspberry before pursing his lips when placing his chin on the man's chest, waiting for Russia to give him what he wanted.

"You haven't had enough yet?" Russia watched the excited face of the other, shaking his head in confirmation. The taller chuckles and hums, putting the other on edge. He makes the final decision and abruptly says: "Beg for it then."

The USA looks appalled, lifting the head. He looks straight into Russia's eyes.

"You really want to drag me by the ass like that?"

Russia doesn't hesitate when replying back.


"Damn, you're being serious... You didn't even hesitate, you sadist. At least lie to me and say 'no'."

Russia looks stoic but on the inside he's beyond amused by his boyfriend's charade and continues to uphold the unbothered demeanor. He knows the USA is just waiting for him to change his mind. Resolutely, he remains silent when the other tries to twinkle his eyes into a sweet expression and searches to find mercy in the Russian's cold expression. He finds none and that makes him groan, far from content.

"Fine then." The USA murmurs. "Give me a kiss... Damn it, I really have to?... Please?"

Russia pretends to look uninterested, watching the birds fly in the sky. They are going south presumably. He hears a dissatisfied groan. Glancing back, he sees the USA's old face suddenly looking awkward and a little redder than normal. "Please, Russia, I want to kiss you... Just this once, pretty please?"

Finally the taller pays attention to him, having a content smile suddenly show.

"How you lie. This won't be just 'once' and it will never be the last time either."

"I know, but you know I can't help it."

Russia snorts and laughs before pressing his lips abruptly on the American who widens the eyes, green irises gleaming but are quickly hidden when closing them. When he opens them again, he cracks another smile. It's not wide like the usual grin but it's warm. There's no sly comment. Instead he whispers a 'thank you' and takes Russia by the hand as they walk from their spot beneath the big oak.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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