Seven swords and surprises

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When Hogwarts learned that Professor McGonagall was now Headmistress McGonagall, almost everyone wagered right as to who was behind Dumbledore being given the proverbial boot. None of them argued against it, though there were several owls from highly influential families questioning the word of a mere boy against the great Albus Dumbledore; Minerva managed to stop those instantly, though it did help when Harry, having enough of the letters, announced to the whole school that he would personally feed any more owls that bore those letters to Iris if he saw them.

Now though, as September began to leave them behind and October drew closer, talk turned to the one key thing on everyone's mind: the Triwizard Tournament and the visiting delegates from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. With Sirius in charge of Gryffindor – a truth and revelation that was welcomed by every member of the Lion's Den – Harry found himself safe enough to return to the Tower from time to time and, on one such evening, talk turned to the Champions and what people would do with the winnings.

"If it were me," Fred Weasley explained, all of their company lounging around the fireplace, "I would use those winnings to acquire the means for George and I to start our own business."

"Which you already have," Harry reminded them, "We talked about this last year when I gave Ginny her gift and made that ass-clown brother of yours look like more of a dunce than he already is."

"Oh yeah," Fred laughed, George chuckling in agreement as he asked, "So what would someone like the Great and Powerful Holy Knight of Thunder do with those winnings then?"

"Who's saying that I want to enter?" asked Harry in counter, before a sad, expectant smile crossed his face as he added, "But you'd be right to ask Fred; after all, if the past years are anything to go on, I'd be willing to…bet…that…"

"Harry?" asked George, all the Gryffindor gathering now looking to their Alpha Male; perched comfortably in the spot between his feet, Hermione looked up and felt a modicum of realisation coming across the bond, the eyes of her betrothed were filled with realisation.

'What is it Sparky?' she asked, using his little nickname to get his attention.

'Artemis' Prophecy,' Harry answered, his eyes on the twins as he cleared his throat and added, "Sorry guys; I'm going to have to go."

"Wha…" the twins chorused, before Harry was up and out of his seat, Hermione apologising to the twins as she followed him upwards towards the Wing, the Arch-Knight almost relieved when he found every member of his entourage, including Lily, Sirius and Remus all gathered in the meeting room.

"Harry?" asked Lily, noticing a shocked, disbelieving look in her son's eyes, "What is it?"

"Artemis' Prophecy," Harry told them, all of the Holy Knights taking notice as Harry took his seat at the head of the table, "It's going to come true."

"We know that," Luna remarked, though she was worried for her leader; she had never seen him so determined to get the answers out, "She is the Lady of Darkness after all Harry."

"It's more than that Luna-girl," Harry told her, a soft smile creeping across his face as he explained, "I…I solved it: I know what it means."

"You do?" asked Sirius, Harry then aware of the Order now joining them; no doubt Sebastian had been informed of Harry's hasty departure from Gryffindor Tower. "Do tell."

"All right," Harry nodded, his voice calm as he began his explanations, "We all remember the words of the Lady of Darkness, don't we?"

"Yes," Luna answered, the others nodding in agreement as the Knight of Sky repeated the words of the Lady of Darkness;

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