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                                                   𝘉𝘙𝘈𝘓𝘖                                        𝘏𝘖𝘜𝘚𝘛𝘖𝘕

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𝑩𝑹𝑨𝑳𝑶 sighed and sat in the cafeteria looking over at kenya's table along with her friends which caused a mug to appear on his face once a boy appoarched their table

it was kaior one of the biggest hoes on the camp campus right next to jody

"man if you don't go talk to her" Milton said smacking his teeth looking at his bestfriend

"I can't she wants nothing to do with me" bralo said

"man fuck that you letting that nigga take ya female" cj said

"if you not gone talk to her I will shit" Dani said as a smirk appeared on her face

bralo chuckled while shaking his head and licked his lips looking at kenya once again

the girl looked so good to him she wore a black sundress wearing showing her curves

bralo continued to stare until he furrowed his eyebrows watching her laugh while kaior spoke to her

"the fuck she laughing for?" bralo said smacking his teeth

"I mean the nigga probably told her a joke" tee said

"man shut tf up" bralo said

"oh shit here she go getting up" Milton said making bralo look seeing kenya stand up picking up her empty glass cup

she was about to walk pass the boys table until milton spoke

"yo kenya" milton said

kenya stopped and looked at them with a confused look on her face

"yes?" kenya said

Milton and the rest laughed but bralo who sat there with a mug on his face

"is nothing bralo just wanted to say hey" milton said hitting bralo right in the arm

bralo looked at his bestfriend and mugged tf outta him

"hey ken" bralo said making eye contact with the girl

"hi" kenya said that walked off quickly

the others started laughing once again at the little 2 second conversation the two had

"damn she really mad at you" Dani said

"dani shut tf up." bralo said smacking his teeth

"what you gone do you just gone let kaior take her ass?" cj chuckled

"fuck no" bralo said

"so what you gone do nigga?" Tee said

"get her flowers" bralo said with a shrug

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