Whispers of a New Beginning

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I sighed as I leaned back into my chair. The stress from my school work felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest, and my head was pounding so hard it felt like it might explode right off my body. I had done pretty well on my mid-terms, but I knew my parents were expecting even better. I tried really hard to study and keep up with my classes, but it felt like I was constantly failing to live up to their expectations.

I looked over at the clock and saw it was already past midnight.

I heard my stomach grumble, I realized it had been hours since I had eaten. Knowing my parents were busy, I decided to scrounge something up. As I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, I felt my stomach growl again. Even though my head was swimming with stress, I knew I needed to eat.

As I opened the fridge door and found almost nothing, I felt my heart sink. I rummaged around hoping there would be something, anything I could eat. But all I found were some old leftovers and some cheese. With a sigh of disappointment, I shut the fridge door. I didn't even have the energy to do anything to fix the cheese or heat up the leftovers.

I stood there, feeling defeated. It suddenly sank in just how stressed I was. My shoulders slumped and I felt tears prick at my eyes.

"I can't believe you would do such a thing!" I heard my mother yell from upstairs.

"It wasn't like I knew that was going to happen! You can't blame me for everything!" I heard my father yell back in return.

I sighed, this fight was nothing new to me. I knew there was no point in trying to get involved. I just let their words wash over me as I stared at the fridge, hoping for some inspiration.

"You should know better than to be drinking again!" I heard my mother shout. "You're such a freeloader, you don't do any housework and you just go out drinking every night!"

"I'm not the one who cheated on this marriage! If you weren't so busy running around with other men, this wouldn't be an issue!" I heard my father yell back.

I just sighed, knowing there was nothing I could do to fix it. The endless cycle of fighting was starting to make me feel numb to it all.

I groaned as I heard the arguing escalate. "I can't do this anymore," I muttered to myself.

Knowing that neither of my parents would notice I was gone, I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket. I slipped out of the house, silently closing the front door behind me.

I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't stand being at home any longer. As I walked out of the front gate, I decided to head over to the 7/11 that was a few blocks away.

As I was walking to the convenience store, trying to forget about the argument I just heard, I plugged in my headphones. I hit play and heard the soothing sounds of Blue Bird playing through my earphones. It was a song I had heard so many times in my life, yet it always made me feel calmer.

As I walked down the street, I tried to focus all my attention on the music and block out the rest of the world.

As I entered the convenience store, I headed straight to the instant ramen aisle. It was one of my favorite comfort foods and I couldn't resist the urge. I picked out a few ramen packets and a couple of soda cans. Now that I had my food, I figured I would just eat it right here at the store.

I looked around, finding a place to sit in the corner. Pulling out my ramen and a can of soda, I looked forward to sinking my teeth into some good food and forgetting everything going on outside.

I looked up at the cashier and noticed that while she was trying to remain professional, there was an edge to her attitude that made a chill go up my spine. The cashier was clearly getting more agitated by the girl's protests.

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