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I won't be like this when I'm older, right?

└── •✧• ──┘

Vanessa's POV:

I'm sitting on the circle couch in the main room of the Man-Cave, eating a churro.

Henry walks out of the secret room. "Hey, guys?"


"Whats up?"

He leans on the monitor desk. "Have you noticed anything weird going on with Ray?"


"All the time."


Henry rolls his eyes. "No, I mean... He's been talking, like, when nobody else is around."

"Oh yeah, he has been doing that." I nod, getting up from my seat.

"You mean... talking to himself?" Charlotte asks.

Henry nods. "Yeah. Like, full on conversations with people who aren't there."

"Well, my Uncle Rosco talks to his food before he eats it." Charlotte thinks.

"Oh, god, I don't want my dad to be like you're Uncle Rosco!" I exclaim.

Charlotte playfully rolls her eyes at me, and I laugh.

My dad walks out from the sprocket, once again, having a conversation with himself. "Hey, guys, you find out any more info on that motorcycle thief?"

He whips his head around. "Will you not stand so close to me? I can feel you breathing on my neck."

Me, Charlotte, and Henry all look at each other. We then look back at my dad with weirded out faces.

"Why are you guys staring at me?" My dad asks, hands on his hips.



"'Cause you're talking to nobody!"



"It's got to be said."

We slowly turn back to my dad.

"Right, I haven't introduced you to Brad. Brad, this is Henry and Charlotte, and my daughter, Vanessa. Who you will stay away from." My dad says, pointing a finger into the air.

I scrunch up my nose.

He turns back to us. "Guys... This is invisible Brad."

We pretend to see Brad.

"Hi, Brad!"

"Hello there Brad!"

"Lookin' good, Brad."

My dad gives the empty space next to him a look. "Brad, say hi. Brad?" He feels the air, and realizes 'Brad' left. "Ugh. Come on, Brad. Hate it when he does this."

We awkwardly laugh.

My dad starts running around The Man Cave with his arms infront of him, searching for Brad.

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