《 Chapter 4 》

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꧁~Peter's POV~꧂

I take a quick glance around the bus. A few other people were in it aswell. I see Sarah, starring at her phone, Tk starring out of the window and... Y/n had fallen asleep. As we soon stop, she still didn't wake up. Tk didn't seem to notice as he and Sarah walk out of the door already. I let out a sigh, and walk over to Y/n. I shove my phone into my pocket, put my headphones around my neck and pick her up bridal style. I got out of the door just before the bus driver closed it. I walk over to Sarah and Tk, and stare at them annoyed. I mean... Her skin is soft, and she is light. Meaningly I don't mind carrying her. But they didn't even give a fuck, or tried to wake her.
"The fuck? Would you guys just let her sit in the bus until she woke up by herself or what?" I ask annoyed. Tk and Sarah look a bit suprised by the fact that Y/n fell asleep.
"Did you seriously NOT notice?! God, what kind of friends are you." I don't wait for an answer, as I start to walk over to Y/n's dorm. Once there, I grab the keys from her pocket and unlock the door. I walk inside and place her down on her bed gently. I tuck her in in her blanket, and make sure she's still asleep. Honestly, I don't want to leave her alone. Maybe she would feel weird when she fell asleep in the bus and woke up in her dorm all alone, with no one to explain anything. I stand infront of the door. Debating if I should leave, or not. I decide not to. I walk over to her desk, and sit down on the chair. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and lay it down on her desk. I put off my choker, and lay it down on the desk aswell. Sometimes it hurts when I wear it too long. I look around a bit from the view of my position. I place my shoulder bag down underneath her desk, and continue to look around. I then notice a shirt she wore yesterday. It was laying on the floor, between a pile of unfinished sketches. I could recognize one sketch. The one I said looks like shit. I feel bad for it.. I also always feel bad for giving her my homework and calling her insults. But I have a reputation to keep.
I pick up the shirt I saw, and bring it up to my face. I lean in and take a deeep sniff from it. The scent and her cologne.. it smells so good.. I keep my head burried in it. Then suddenly I heard Y/n move and stirr awake. I panic slightly, and shove the shirt into my shoulder bag. For some reason, I want to keep it. I close my bag in a rush, and pretend to be relaxed. I turn with the chair, looking at Y/n.
"Oh wow, you're finally awake." I say and continue to look at her half awake face. She looked at me suprised.
".. Why are you here? Why am I here? And.. when did I fall asleep..?" She asked. I chuckle, shaking my head.
"You feel asleep in the bus, dumbass. I carried you to your room.. Sarah and Tk didn't even notice you were asleep." I explain. My smile turning into a frown as I talk about my sister and Tk.
"Oh.. and why are you here?" She asked. She looked like she understood, but needed some approval.
"I didn't want you to wake up confused." I answer, grabbing my phone and putting it back in my pocket.
"Well, I'm gonna go now nerd. See you tomorrow." I say, grabbing my bag and starting to walk to the door. I heard Y/n laying back down, and rolling inside her bed. I take a last look at her, before leaving and closing the door behind me.
My mind begins to scream. I can't believe I got a shirt with her scent. I open my bag, and look at it. Smiling to myself before closing my bag again.

 Smiling to myself before closing my bag again

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[The bag⬆️]

꧁~Time skip~꧂
꧁~Y/n's POV~꧂

After some time, I wake up again. I look around my dorm, noticing Peter was gone again. I sit up, and rub my eyes with my hands. I check the time - 3 pm. I slept an hour long. Oh well, that's not too long. I get my phone and look at it. It was a message from Peter. I click at it. It said "Nerd, I forgot my choker at your dorm." I blink two times, before writing back.
"Sorry... I slept until now. Uhh... I could bring it to you." I send it. Waiting for a message from my Peter.
"Alright. But be fucking quick." I read it. I quickly grab my shoes and put them on. I throw on my jacket, and grab Peter's choker. I stuff my phone and keys into my pocket, and get out of the door. I then start walking to Peter's dorm. As soon as I was there, I knock on the door. My hair probably still looks like a birds nest. I bring my hands up to my hair, and use my fingers as a chomb. Atleast managing my hair a little. Just as I finished, Peter opened the door. He let out a sigh, and extends his hand. Waiting for me to give him his choker. I look confused for a second, but then lay the choker in his hand. He looked down on it, muttered a small "thank you", and slammed the door shut.

꧁~Peter's POV~꧂

I panicked the second she opened the door. I plop down on my bed, and keep the choker tightly held in my hand. I roll myself around to look at the wall. I slid my hand under my pillow, and pull out the shirt I stole from Y/n. I hold it close to my chest, and roll myself into a ball. Her scent was radiating off of her shirt. It's like the smell of cigarette smoke inside my dorm evaporated.

꧁~Y/n's POV~꧂

As I walk back to my dorm, I felt like freezing. I should've put on a hoodie atleast... I sigh, and grab the keys from my pocket. I unlock the door, get inside and close it behind me. I lay my keys on the shelf next to my door, and walk to my desk. I grab some sketches up from the floor and pull my pencil case out of my drawer. I grab a sketch, and start drawing.

꧁~Time skip~꧂

After 2 hours of just straight drawing, I take a break. It's 5pm.. And I don't know what to do. I check my phone, and I see Sarah tried to call me 19 minutes ago. I quickly call her back.
"Hey Sarah! What did you try to call me for?" I ask, listening to Sarah's answer.
"Heyy, Y/n. So. Teachers called in holidays early. You're also going to drive home on friday? You know the principle won't let us stay in the dorms over the holidays." Sarah asked. I think for a second before answering.
"Yup. But I have to take a bus. My mom wouldn't be able to come pick me up.." I explain.
"Ooh, Peter and I can take you with us! I mean, we don't have any drivers license aswell, but our aunt comes pickes us up. *gasp* we could have a sleepover!" Sarah sounded excited. I smile to myself and answer almost immediatly.
"Oh yes please. I'd love that." I answered. I'm smiling so much, it almost feels weird.

| ⬆️word count: 1308 |

★~Goth Peter x Y/n {{Female}}~★Where stories live. Discover now