《 Chapter 6 》

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꧁~Peter's POV~꧂
After some time, I wake up again. I had my arms fully wrapped around Y/n. I look to the front, seeing Cassie listening to the radio while concentrating on the road, and Sarah asleep. I look back down on Y/n. She was still hugging her plushie. But then suddenly I felt her move and pulled my arms and head away. I could see her stirring awake. We had only been driving one and a half hours long. I keep her head on my shoulder like nothing else happened. I put on a tired expression. Once she was fully awake, she lifted her head up again and let out a sigh.
"Oh, your awake again nerd." I said, faking a yawn.
"You fell asleep on my shoulder." I added. She looked at me suprised.
"Oh- Fuck I'm sorry." She apologized. Cute.
"Meh. Don't care." I answered and turned to look at Cassie.
"Can we take in another break? I have to pee. And I want to smoke." I ask. Cassie thought for a second, before answering.
"Sure. Hold on a few minutes." She answered. I nod and lean back in my seat. I look out of the window, seeing how she drove on a rest stop. When she parked, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car, before heading to the toilets.

꧁~Sarah's POV~꧂

I get woken up by the sound of one of the car doors opening and closing. I open my eyes, and see Peter walking towards the public toilets. Cassie got up and followed after him. And after some time, Y/n did aswell. Guess they all have to pee, huh. I sit there alone in the car. Listening to the radio playing some song. It was annoying, so I turn off the radio. I lean back in my seat, and look out of the window. A few birds were flying above us. The trees moved along the wind. A few other cars also parked near us. After just starring into pure nothing, Peter came back. He opened the doory grabbed his cigarette and the lighter I bought him earlier, and closed the door again. He leaned against the car and lit the cigarette, before taking a deep drag from the cigarette. I unbuckle my seatbelt, and get out of the car. Walking over to Peter, and leaning against the car beside him.
"So," He started. The smoke escaping his mouth as he spoke.
"I heard you and Y/n are doing a sleepover, and that she'll stay over during christmas. I want to join." He said. It shocked me like hell. I turn to look at him.
"What? Why??" I ask confused but also shocked.
"Come on, please. I don't have anything else to do. I don't want to spent my entire days alone because Cassie has to do her homeoffice shit and you'll do you with Y/n. I would spent half of my holidays inside my bedroom." He answered, taking another drag. I could hear how upset he was with that thought.
"We'll talk with Y/n, okay? I bet she won't have anything against it. Now stop being sad and cheer up." I chuckle and pat his shoulder. I then see Cassie coming back.
"Ah, there we have our goth boy smoking." She chuckled, and stood infront of him.

꧁~Peter's POV~꧂
I nod, taking another drag from my cigarette.
"Didn't know you were into cuddling that much." She teased, which made me blow out the smoke in a cough. I panic for a second. She saw me cuddling Y/n?! I knew it wasn't a good idea to do so. But she should've been focused on the road! Not on me and Y/n!!
"No. Fucking. Way. PETER HAS A CRUSH ON Y/N-" I cut off Sarah, putting my hand over her mouth
"NO I DON'T! SHUT UP!" I say back nervously, keeping my hand put on Sarah's mouth. My voice had like thousands of voice cracks. She was just giggling. She pulled my hand off of her mouth and laughed.
"I can't believe my brother finally fell in love!!" I continue trying to shut her up, while Cassie laughed at us quietly. I sigh, and let go of Sarah who was still giggling.
"Just don't tell Y/n, okay? I want to do that part myself." I ask her frustrated. The voice cracks still being there, but not as bad as before.
"Nah, don't worry goth boy. I'm not that kind of person." Sarah answered, and I let out a sigh of relief. I take another drag from my cigarette, and watch as Cassie got to the back of the car. She opened the trunk, and got out some snacks.
"You guys want some?" She asked. I nod, as my gaze went back to Y/n who was walking over to us.
"What did I miss?" She asked, looking at me, while Sarah went over to Cassie.
"Nothing much. We just talked a bit about the drive." I answered while the smoke escaped my mouth.
"But Cassie offered us snacks. That's what you missed, nerd." I answered and chuckle. I walk with her over to Cassie and look at what snacks she brought. Y/n picked up a bag of Oreos, and opened them. She ate one Oreo, and offered me one aswell.
"Want one?" She asked. I nod and she held his hand out to let me take it.

꧁~Y/n's POV~꧂
Peter took the Oreo from my hand, and put it in his mouth and ate it. I take one of the water bottles and open it, and take a sip.
"For how long will we still have to drive?" Peter asked, before taking another drag from his cigarette. He exhaled the smoke and waited for an answer.
"For uhh.. About an hour and a half." Cassie answered and grabbed herself a water bottle aswell.
"Awh man, I want to lay down in my bed alreadyyy.." Sarah groaned.
"Nope. We'll still have to move a mattress for Y/n in your bed. Speaking of, Y/n, I want to join Sarah and your sleepover." Peter said. It made my heart race a slight bit. I look at Peter and nodded.
"Sure. I don't mind. Do you Sarah?" I ask her, and she shook her head.

꧁~Time skip~꧂

After an hour and a half of driving, and another 13 minute break, we finally arrive. And holy shit.. The house is so fucking beautiful! It's a two-floor house with a small, yet captivating design. The exterior is adorned with a combination of vibrant flowers and lush greenery, creating a picturesque setting. The house itself features a cozy front porch with a quaint wooden swing, inviting you to relax and enjoy the surrounding beauty. The windows are framed with delicate curtains, adding a touch of elegance to the overall aesthetic. Some windows even lead to a balcony. The roof has a gentle slope, giving the house a charming and timeless appeal. It's the perfect blend of simplicity and beauty, making it a true gem in the neighborhood. I wonder how it will look from the inside.
"So, Cassie. Am I allowed to smoke on the balcony again?" Peter asked while I got my bags out of the trunk. I grab my plushie and follow Cassie inside. She was carrying my third bag, while Peter and Sarah carry their own bags.
"Yup. You can. Aslong as the balcony doors are closed while you smoke."
She said. She pulled her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the door. Once inside, she went into a small room and put off her shoes.
"You can place your shoes anywhere in the shelves if you want, Y/n." Cassie explained, while placing her own in the shelf. Peter's shoes are placed on the top shelf, because, probably, first, he's the only one that can reach the top shelf, and second, most his shoes are too tall to fit into the shelves underneath. I place mine only three shelves underneath Peter's. Peter and Sarah showed me to Sarah's room, and we put down my bags. We got a comfortable mattress from a guest room, and get Peter's matress aswell. I lay on Sarah's left, and Peter on my left. I place my plushie down on the mattress, and follow Peter, who showed me around the house.

| ⬆️word count: 1405⬆️ |

★~Goth Peter x Y/n {{Female}}~★Where stories live. Discover now