Chapter 4: Tasha

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I took my anger out on him and he apologized. When I told Milton on Sunday he fumed. He told me to ignore Emmett's text. "Leave him on read" as Milton calls it. I was slightly depressed knowing he didn't give me the time of day and I had gotten dressed up for nothing. But as many love stories go a bump in the road is not the end.

So this time I dressed a little more down. Blue jeans and a pink Powderpuff t-shirt. I wore a pink headband with my hair bunch into a curly puff. As soon as I rang the doorbell Isla answered. She pulled me inside startling me " I can't believe you came back. You're too precious. He's here this time but I should just keep you to myself," she said holding my arm. I giggled at her reminding me of Connor.

Isla's arms unhooked mine and she stumbled catching herself. She whipped her long black hair as she turned stomping. "Go away, Red" Emmett muttered. "This way," he said making me follow him. We went up the black stairs that had a glass panel on the side. The walls are white to a crisp as we pass the many doors probably bedrooms. Finally, he opened the door to his room.

The room was huge with high ceilings. A huge bed opposite of the wall with a TV in front. On the corner a gray coach with a small table in front. On the side of the couch was a small mini fridge. On the walls, there was a guitar and skateboard. "You can sit there. Let me grab my computer".

I sat on the couch taking out my paper and laying it out on the table. Emmett sat down sitting his gray apple computer on the table. "So," he said slowly. "Mr. Wesley's instructions," he said. "May I?" I asked. He pushed the computer my way and I opened up Google Classroom. "We must read the book he chose for us. Then make a PowerPoint about our understanding and what we learned from the book and present it" I explained.

He groaned brushing his hand over his face. "I can feel how tiresome this is going to be" he groaned. I chuckled "You don't like books," I asked. "No, they're boring. I'm a sports guy at most I read an article" he scoffed. I gasped "Books are not boring. They take you from reality. They can make you happy, sad, hopeful. You can learn things from reading" I explained. "Well, I see what your other obsession is, pinky ".

I looked away feeling heat spread to my ears. He gave me a nickname. "Let's see what he choose for us," I said switching the topic. "Persephone and Hades" I read from Google Classroom. "Greek Mythology, right" Emmett questioned with furrowed brows. "Yea, Mr. Wesley loves Greek Mythology. Not surprised" I whispered. "You seem to know Mr. Wesley well," Emmett said leaning back and giving me his full attention.

I played with the hem of my shirt. "Well, he is my favorite teacher. He's just cool" I nodded. "I'll just say he's better than the rest". His phone rang he answered wincing from the yelling. "Pierce. I thought you were coming over" the girl screeched. He held the phone from his ear and then back to it. "Not after your dad threatened to kill me. Plus I told you no feelings attached to this," he said coldly. My body tensed this was what Milton was talking about. After, more loud yelling he hung up the phone.

His eyes settled on me "Why don't you do feelings? A relationship" I blurted out meeting his gaze. "Well, I haven't found a person to do that with. All the girls I've banged have only wanted me for money or I just wasn't feeling them. We both got what we needed from each other and that's it". I nodded turning my head back to his computer. "Since we're asking personal questions. What about you" he questioned.

"What about me" I said slowly but skewed. "You seem like a nice girl. Got anybody" he asked with a playful voice. Was he flirting? Did he want to know? Maybe he was jealous like in my K-dramas. "I guess I haven't found the right one either" I expressed. "Hmm," he said. "So, ready to read that book," I asked. "I guess," he said dryly.

We went over a couple of chapters and settled with that. Emmett walked me to my car and closed my door for me. "Well, Pinky. Let's say I see you Sunday". "Sure". He tapped my car twice "I will text you the time". I nodded starting the engine and once he was back up on his porch. I drove away with a static heart. Once I got home I left my keys on the rack and dropped my bag.

"I'M HOME" I yelled. "Finally" I heard from in the kitchen. "Dad is up in his room and I'm starving" Connor groaned. "Okay". I started grabbing ingredients from the fridge and cabinet. Since my mother left us I learned to cook. It was hard on my father trying to feed us while coming home from a twelve-hour shift. I got good at it even baking.

I plated and moved away from my brother. "Hey," he shrilled. "This is for Pa and me. Make your plate" I urged. I took the plates upstairs. I opened the door using my back and came into the dark room. I sat our plates on the nightstand and turned on the light. "Dad" I nudged. He sat up quickly like he was under attack. His eyes settled over the room then me.

"Dad I told you. Don't scare me like that" I said. "Here" I handed him the plate. "I'm sorry, T". He took a spoonful of spaghetti blowing out the hot air contained in his mouth. I chuckled shaking my head. "I have the world's best daughter" he rejoiced. I stood up grabbing my plate "Eat your food. Good night, Dad". "Goodnight" I heard him say before I closed the door. I sat in my bed with a book in one hand and a plate in another. My mind went back to Emmett. No feelings. And just fucking.

"Should I just give up"?

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