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Being a bakery owner is.. exhausting.
sure, you live your job and can't imagine yourself doing something else, but sometimes it's just too overwhelming..waking up early to bake everything, cleaning up, managing part-time workers, dealing with unpleasant customers, it all takes a toll on your energy levels and can feel quite draining at times.

Along with your work at the bakery, you also had to make decisions and handle stress outside of work. this often meant you had to think about things like what to eat for dinner (which usually involved microwaving a Lunchable or making instant noodles), what to watch while eating, and coming up with new recipes to try out...etc, it felt like the tasks and decisions never ended, and it could be overwhelming at times, you found yourself constantly on the move, making choices and dealing with the consequences of your actions.

However, once you started dating Nanami, the constant feeling of pressure and the stress of having to make decisions was alleviated, at least somewhat. suddenly, you found yourself not having to worry about making decisions when he was around. should you walk home or take an Uber? no problem, Nanami will give you a ride. what's for dinner? figured out already. feeling tired after a long day of work? Nanami would gladly massage you and make you some hot tea. In those moments, everything seemed simpler and more relaxed with him around, it just felt so nice to relax and let go of all the stress.

Sure, there were moments when it felt a bit strange. how did Nanami know your favorite show and have it playing when he served your favorite meal, which you don't remember telling him about? How did he know your exact favorite pair of PJs and have them ready for you when you stepped out of the shower?and how did he get you your exact usual type of pads when you texted him that you're on your period?no big deal though,you simply wrote it off as coincidence, just some small, little things that didn't mean much. it wasn't something you were too worried about, just a few little coincidences that didn't raise any alarm bells in your mind. after all, everyone had their own little quirks, so knowing your favorite things wasn't that unusual or suspicious in fact, he was just being a perfect partner. that's what you thought until the other day,
As you and Kento were cooking dinner together, you accidentally cut your finger while chopping vegetables. kento quickly rushes over to you, sits you down, and goes to your bedroom to grab the first aid kit. As he begins treating your small cut, you stare at him with a hint of hesitation.
"uh... how did you know where the first aid kit was? it's just that I uh have a really specific hidden place for it.." you ask, feeling slightly confused.
"you told me that day where you keep it." he says calmly still focusing on your cut.
"no, I didn't."
"hm?" he says eyes still on your finger
"uhm.. how did you find the first aid kit? I have a very specific hidden place for it.."
"you told me that day where you keep it"
"no I didn't"
"what do you mean?" Kento finally looks up at you with a confused expression, making you feel a little stupid for asking.
"uhm... I don't know," you mutter in a soft tone, "I don't remember telling anyone about it."
"you just forgot," Kento replies casually, brushing off your concern. "don't worry your pretty little head about it."
"huh?.. uh.. yeah, sure," you mumble, nodding in agreement even as you feel a strange unease gnawing at the back of your mind.


small chapter cuz it's 3am and I 'need to wake up early tomorrow (kill me) aslo im writing this while texting someone my brain burns I can't multi task, but I think it's time to start showing more of nanami's toxic side 💯

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