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You've been dating Nanami for a while now, and even though he's made it a habit to come over to your house almost every day, you found it curious that you've never seen his own living space. you'd had this faint curiosity about his home ever since you two first started seeing each other, wondering what Nanami's living environment looked like, however, you'd always been too shy to bring it up directly and ask if you could visit, you know he won't reject your request but you still can't help felling anxious.

So, while the two of you were sitting in bed, cuddling and enjoying each other's company, he poses the question about where you'd like to head out for your next date. eithout missing a beat, you eagerly respond with
"your house!"
It takes you a moment to realize your hasty response, and you hold your breath, waiting for his reaction to your request.
"sure thing"
he says easily and you feel relieved

And now, you u stand outside a tall, fancy building, your hand wrapped in Nanami's grasp as he gently pulls you inside. you gape at the sight of the building, surprised by the unexpected contrast between Nanami's humble exterior and his luxurious residence. upon entering the building, Nanami leads you toward the elevator, pressing the button for the 14th floor where his penthouse is located. As the doors open, you step out into a spacious, well-appointed, and well-furnished living space, completely taken aback by the lavish surroundings.

Glancing up at the spacious, towering ceiling, your eyes follow the view to the expansive windows overlooking the cityscape below. the floor and furniture are made from high-quality, elegant materials, the leather of the furniture reflecting Nanami's classy style and taste in design. Everything in the penthouse is carefully curated for maximum comfort and convenience, the decor a perfect match for him.

"There's the kitchen, over there" Nanami points to the left.
"And right here" he indicates the direction of the long hallway with another gesture.
"There are two guest bedrooms there" he says, pointing to separate doors along the hallway.
"And then my room, a bathroom, and my office" he adds

you nod as you and Nanami walk into the spacious, luxurious living room, your eyes are dazzled by the sheer size of it. the living room is nearly as big as your entire apartment, and you can't help but stare in amazement at the elegant furniture and decor. It feels like a completely different world,  you head toward the tall windows, your eyes take in the stunning view of the city outside. it's nearing 9 pm and the night view is otherworldly, the twinkling lights below almost too beautiful to believe. The sheer scale of the sights takes your breath away.

You feel Nanami's large arms wrap around you from behind, and he whispers in your ear,
"You like it?"
his voice smooth and low like velvet. it sends a shiver down your spine, and your heart flutters at the feel of his embrace.

"yeah" you mumble leaning back to him

"mhm, wanna see more?" he says planting a small kiss on your cheek

You nod and let Nanami guide you to the kitchen, which is a marvel of organization and luxury. with its newest and most expensive gadgets and beautiful marble counters, the kitchen is more like a restaurant than a home.

Continuing your exploration of Nanami's opulent home, you follow him down the spacious and long hallway, admiring the simplicity yet fanciness of each of the two guest bedrooms. the rooms may be simple, yet the sleekness of the bed sheets and the elegance of the furnishings make it clear that every detail has been carefully chosen, even if the style is understated.

As you walk down the hallway with Nanami, you notice that he skipped the door leading to his office, and you can't help feeling a tinge of curiosity about why, you turn to face him and, in a gentle voice say,
"I want to see your office"

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