15, Hunting & A Secret

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Fox entered the conservatory with an armful of new trinkets for Anodyne. He'd gone dumpster diving again and found another blanket, which he washed, as well as some very old books that had their covers coming apart, but were otherwise readable. He'd also found another tattered stuffed animal, this one a bunny. He also had with him a radio, which he'd been given permission to buy for himself because he'd been on continuous good behavior.

He made his way to Anodyne's den. He found the naga basking in his pool, and the man perked up immediately upon seeing Fox emerge from between the plants.

"Fox," he greeted, "I'm glad you've returned."

"I have a surprise for you," Fox said, unable to hold back his excited smile. Anodyne slithered up from his reclined position against the edge of the pool and met Fox on the open patch of moss and stones. Fox set down the blanket that held everything else and opened it.

Anodyne's golden eyes scanned the objects, and they glowed with delight when he saw the radio. "Is this...?"

"You said you wanted music. It's battery operated, so you can bring it around with you everywhere in here. If the batteries die, I can bring new ones," Fox said.

"Oh, Fox," Anodyne replied, and he surprised Fox by hugging him. He did it so tightly, even wrapping a few coils around both of them, that Fox had the breath pushed out of him.

Fox stood, momentarily stunned, as he felt skin and scales press around him. He let Anodyne hug him, his mind stuttering to process the feeling. First Sunshine's brief hug on her birthday, and now this much more intense hug from someone else he wanted to consider a friend.

"Can't- can't breathe," Fox wheezed. Anodyne unwound himself from Fox, and he sucked in a breath.

"My apologies," the naga said, sheepishly backing away.

"It's okay," Fox said. He crouched down and fiddled with the radio. He turned it on and tuned it until a station playing classical music came into focus. Sounds of stringed and woodwind instruments floated through the air, playing a soothing melody.

"Ah..." Anodyne sighed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I've wanted to listen to music for so long."

Fox watched as Anodyne remained still, eyes kept closed, breathing calmly. His appreciation was so apparent in every feature of his body. His shoulders were relaxed, his tail unmoving, his facial expression slack and at peace. Fox couldn't help but listen with him. He himself never had the luxury of music, only what he could pick up briefly from what others were listening to.

After a few moments, Anodyne opened his eyes and picked up the things Fox had brought. He arranged them with his other blanket and stuffed animal, organized his new books with his old ones, and found a spot to place the radio safely away from the water.

"Come sit," Anodyne said, arranging his body into two cinnamon roll-like swirls, one for him to settle into, and one for Fox. Fox awkwardly climbed over Anodyne's coils to lie down in the center.

Anodyne settled in among his own bundle of coils, and together they listened to the music. Fox stared up at the glass ceiling, the sky partially visible through the canopy. For a little while, he let himself pretend that he and Anodyne were in their own little corner of the world, far away from packs and evil humans, far away from anyone who could hurt them. Fox imagined it so deeply that his lungs grew heavy with want, with an inner knowledge that neither of them could have that.

"Why are you sad?" Anodyne asked, pulling Fox from his thoughts.

"I wish life could be better for us," Fox answered softly.

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