Chapter 20

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Perrie's POV

Monday, September 30

Ellie is still missing at lunchtime. And I'm getting a firsthand look at what my brother went through 5 years ago. 

The entire Echo Ridge High student body has been staring at me all morning. Everybody's whispering behind my back, except the few who get right in my face. Like Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. He and his sister, Samantha, were away all weekend visiting her friends at the University of Vermont, so nobody's interrogating him. Almost as soon as I walked into the hallway this morning, he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the locker bay. "If you did anything to Ellie, I will end you," he growled. 

I broke away and shoved him back. "Fuck you, Alex." He probably would've hit me then if a teacher hadn't stepped between us. 

Now Kamille and I are headed for the cafeteria, passing a homecoming poster along the way. During morning announcements, the Principal said that while they hadn't decided whether to cancel Saturday's dance, it was being "significantly scaled back," with no homecoming court. He ended with a reminder to report anything or anyone suspicious. 

Which, for most of the student body, is me. 

If I weren't so sick to my stomach, I might laugh at how fiercely Kamille glares at everyone we pass in the hallway. "Go ahead and try it," she mutters, as a couple of Alex's teammates who are twice her size give me the once-over. "I hope you do."

In the cafeteria we grab trays. I pile food on mine that I know I won't be able to eat, and then we make our way to our usual table. By unspoken agreement, we both sit with our backs against the wall, facing the cafeteria. If anybody's coming for me, I'd rather see them do it. 

Kamille sends a look of pure loathing towards Leigh's table, were Jesy is gesturing dramatically. "Already working on her next story, I'll bet. This is exactly the plot twist she was waiting for."

I force down a sip of water. "Jesus, Kamille. They're friends."

"Stop thinking the best of people, Perrie," Kamille says. "Nobody's doing it for you. We should..." She trails off as the noise level in the cafeteria grows louder. The Thirlwall twins have emerged from the food line, trays in hand. I haven't talked to them yet today, and every time I've spotted one of them they were surrounded by knots of students. The whole school knows they were the second-to-last people to see Ellie before she disappeared, and everybody wants their take on Saturday night. I don't have to be within earshot to know what kind of questions they're getting: Have you guys heard that Ellie and Perrie were hooking up? Did they act weird around each other? Were they fighting?

Do you think she did something to her?

I could tell yesterday that Karl is exactly like Kamille: it never even occurred to him that I might've done anything except drop Ellie off. Jade's mind doesn't work that way though. She's naturally suspicious. I get it, stung. And even though it seemed like she came around eventually, I'm not sure it's going to last when half the school is whispering in her ear. 

Kamille watches the two of them like she's having the exact same thought. Karl's eyes light on us at almost the same time Leigh's hand shoots into the air. "Jade!" Leigh calls. "Over here!" She doesn't include Karl, and I feel pathetically grateful when he starts towards us. Even though I know it's probably just because he wasn't invited anywhere else. 

Jade hesitates, and it feels as though the entire cafeteria is watching her. Her curly hair is long and loose today, and when she looks towards Leigh it obscures half her face. My heart jackhammers in my chest as I try to tell myself it doesn't matter what she does. It won't change anything. Ellie will still be missing, and half the town will still hate me because I'm an Edwards.

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