Pizzeria Boy One-Shot Contest Entry - Diced (Rewritten)

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A/N: This is my entry for @stereoactive 's contest

Diced (Rewritten)


"Good work, Joey," my history teacher praised as I walked up to her desk. She smiled and showed me my score. "You aced the test! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Kristy," I said casually, although my insides were burning with excitement.

I can't wait to call Logan and tell him!

Woah, why is that my first thought after passing a test? What's up with this weird feeling in my stomach? Shaking it off, I returned to my seat. Once the bell rang, Kristy, also known as Miss Belton, came and sat next to me. Besides Logan, she's really my only friend, unless my dog counts. Might seem lame to some people, but I don't really care what other people think.

"So, how are things with you and your pizza boy?" she questioned with a smirk.

"Good. He's an idiot, but I guess he's kinda cool," I replied with a shrug, to which Kristy responded to with an eye roll.

"Have you told him you like him yet?" she asked, causing me to stare at her like she was an escaped mental patient.

"What are you talking about, crazy? I don't like Logie, he's a bozo. I mean, he might be a tiny bit funny, and he might be pretty nice..." I cut off, realizing I wasn't creating a very convincing argument. "But I don't like him, he's just my brochacho."

"Is that why you talk about him 24/7?" she asked, crossing her arms and giving me a challenging smile.

"Actually, I only spend like an hour a day in your class, and I'm not here on the weekends, so-"

Kristy held up her hand. "Stop being so technical and admit you like him."

"I don't like him!" I insisted, causing her to groan.

"Okay, do you get excited every time you go to call him? Does talking to him make you happy? Do you feel comfortable talking to him about everything? Do you get a funny feeling in your stomach when you talk to him? Are you thinking about him a lot?"

I reluctantly realized that 'yes' was the correct answer for all of these questions.

"This is the most nerve-wracking test you've ever given me," I moaned, leaning forward and pressing my head to my desk.

"Hey," she said, leaning forward to rub my back. "It doesn't have to be nerve-wracking. I know crushes can be really scary, but they can also be absolutely amazing. I mean, what if this kid likes you back?"

"Why wouldn't he like me? I'm amazing." Kristy gave me a deadpan look, causing me to sigh. "Okay, maybe I do like him, but what if he doesn't like me?"

She reached forward and grabbed my hands, causing me to turn in my seat to face her. "Then he really is an idiot, because you're an incredible girl with a big heart and any guy would be lucky to have you."

"Ack, mushy stuff, get it away from me," I complained, causing her to laugh.

"You're so strange, and that's why you're so likeable. It's also one of the reasons I'm ninety-nine percent sure he definitely likes you. Besides, if he doesn't, you're Joey Sparks. You can bounce back from anything. If he said he didn't like you, you'd probably just brush it off and call him stupid and blind."

I laughed, "Yeah, that's me, the weirdo."

"Now, go home and call that boy!"

Jumping up from my seat, I grabbed my stuff and ran to the door. "Thanks, Kristy! By the way, you owe me a pizza party for having to spill my feelings!" I hurried to the school parking lot to get in my car.

She was right. I never even expected all of this just from one simple call to my favorite pizzeria. Not too long ago, I was content with sitting at home alone and hanging out with my dog, eating pizza. Now, a week wasn't complete without at least one call to Logan. I'm not a person that likes talking about my... feelings, or any of that romantic crap, but one thing's for certain.

A special pizzeria boy by the name of brochacho had captured my heart.

Ugh, I'm turning into one of those girls.


Come on, Joey. It's just a simple phone call. You call him all the time already, so why is this any different?

I was currently sitting on my bed, trying to talk myself into calling Logan. Sure, what Kristy said earlier helped, but I still just couldn't get myself to call. I mean, what was I supposed to say?

"Hey, brochacho, get me my pizza and get it here soon, or else. Also, I like you."

No, that didn't sound quite right. Maybe - wait, what am I doing? This isn't me, I'm Joey freaking Sparks. I'm not some quiet and shy little girl, I'm loud and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I like Logan and it's about freaking time he knew that.

With my newfound sense of confidence, I grabbed my phone and dialed Harrison's.

"Hello, this is the Harrison Pizzeria, how m-"

"LOGAN, LOGAN! GUESS WHAT!" I rambled loudly, my excitement growing already.

"Ma'am, this is not Logan, I'm Marv!" the voice on the other end said, stabbing through my excitement like a knife.

"Uh... no hablo inglés," I muttered quickly, ending the call. I groaned and fell back onto my bed, my confidence shattered.

Where was Logan?

I reluctantly pulled myself up and trotted into the kitchen, only to realize I didn't even have an appetite anymore, which was totally unusual for me. I'm always eating.

Dammit, Logan, where are you? Are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?

Returning to my room, I crawled under the sheets and wondered what I would do now.


A/N: Hey guys! Just so you know, this chapter was originally a chapter from a story by @stereoactive called Pizzeria Boy. She is holding a one shot contest and one of the options was to rewrite a chapter with more detail, since all her chapters are only dialogue. So, I decided to rewrite the chapter Diced. I hope everyone likes it! (The picture is completely random, I just thought it was funny)

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