02 | ''I'm more of the artsy type''

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THE NEXT DAY, under the beaming afternoon sun, Rose found herself once again perched on the same weathered bench overlooking the expansive beach. The rhythmic crash of waves provided a soothing backdrop as she focused intently on her sketchpad, capturing the grace and energy of the surfers dancing on the water.

Lost in the flow of her art, the sound of approaching footsteps barely registered. It wasn't until she felt a warm breath against the nape of her neck that she jumped, her heart leaping in tandem with her sudden startle. With a squeal, she whipped around, her eyes widening in surprise.

The gorgeous male that had occupied her dreams the night prior, stood there, a mischievous glint in his eyes and a chuckle escaping his lips. "Didn't mean to startle you."

She took a moment to catch her breath, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "You certainly have a talent for surprise entrances," She quipped, clutching her sketchpad close.

His gaze drifted down to the open pages of her sketchpad, however, before Rose could react, he had snatched the book out of her grasp, and held it out of her reach with ease. His muscled arm effortlessly keeping it just beyond her grasp. Determination flashed in her eyes as she jumped up, attempting to snatch it back. However, Baxter, standing a whole two feet taller than her, measly four-foot-eleven, maintained the advantage, flipping through her various sketches of him.

Not one to be easily thwarted, Rose eyed him with a playful glint. An idea sparked in her mind, and with a burst of frantic energy, she started to climb him, using any foothold she could find. The male, clearly taken aback, held the sketchpad higher, but Rose persisted.

Suddenly, she realized the precarious position they were in. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and their faces just a breath away.

Her eyes widened as the realization hit. Time seemed to freeze for a moment, the beach around them fading into the background. A mix of surprise and amusement played across his face.

Their eyes met, and with a playful smile tugged at the corner of his lips. The pink-haired male adjusted his hold to support Rose under her thighs, the sketchpad still tantalizingly out of her reach. "You know, I usually like to know a girl a little longer before I let her climb me."

Rose, caught off guard, arched an eyebrow in mock defiance. The vibrant hues of the ocean behind them mirrored the spark between the two, the beach witnessing the unfolding of an unexpected connection. "Yeah? Well, I'm Rose. Roseate Summers."

His grin widened, a charming blend of confidence and allure. "Bax. Baxter Radic."

Their playful banter was interrupted by the sweet sound of Poppy's voice calling out to Rose from a distance. "Rose! Over here!"

The sudden realization that she was still perched in Baxter's arms sent a flush of panic through Rose. With a hurried jump, she freed herself, landing on the sandy shore below. "I guess I'll see you around," Baxter called after her, the easygoing tone in his voice leaving Rose in a state of both excitement and uncertainty.

As Baxter walked away, the sun cast a warm glow over the beach, and Rose, still catching her breath, couldn't help but watch him retreat. His figure melded with the golden hues of the sand, leaving her in awe.

"Who was that?" Poppy inquired, a mischievous glint in her eyes as Rose joined her. ''Couldn't see who it was from afar.''

"It was...no one." Rose replied, her attempt to sound casual betraying a lingering excitement.

Poppy nudged her playfully. "No one, huh? Well, you should bring him over to the get-together tonight. It's always good to have more people."

The idea of seeing Baxter again sent a flutter through Rose. "I'll think about it," She responded,

As the sun dipped lower, casting an amber glow over the beach, Poppy enthusiastically pulled Rose towards the lively group of people gathered on the shore. The sound of laughter and distant waves filled the air, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Poppy introduced Rose to the eclectic mix of individuals, each exuding a friendly vibe.

"This is Ari, Bodhi, Marlon, and a bunch of others. Everyone, this is Rose! She's new in town," Poppy announced, her smile infectious.

The group welcomed Rose warmly, exchanging greetings and sharing snippets of their lives. The salty breeze carried snippets of conversations and the rhythmic laughter of newfound camaraderie.

"You all surf, right?" Rose asked, taking note of their toned, surfer bodies. The group nodded collectively, smiles widening.

Ari, a laid-back surfer with sun-kissed hair, turned to Rose. "What about you?"

Rose shook her head with a playful grin. "Nah, I'm more of the artsy type. I prefer sketching the waves rather than riding them."

Laughter rippled through the group, the shared appreciation for different passions bridging the gap between them. As the conversation flowed, Rose's mind momentarily drifted to Baxter and the sketchpad he hadn't returned before he left.

A soft huff of amusement escaped her, and she shook her head. "Guess I'll have to track him down for that sketchbook," She mused to herself.

As Rose immersed herself in the lively group, she couldn't help but anticipate the next unexpected twist the coastal haven had in store.
At the dinner table, the savory aroma of home-cooked food filled the air as Rose sat with her parents and her brother, whose name was Alex. Amid bites of lasagna, her dad looked at her with a quizzical expression. "Why the rush?" He asked.

Rose, excitement bubbling within her, grinned. "I'm meeting up with some friends. We're planning to hang out, and I won't be back until around eleven."

Her brother Alex nearly choked on his food. "You have friends?" He exclaimed, genuine surprise etched across his face.

Even her parents, momentarily taken aback, exchanged glances before recovering. Her mom managed a smile. "Well, have fun, dear. Just be safe out there."

"Yeah, be safe," Her dad added, a touch of amusement hiding away in his eyes.

Rushing up to her room after dinner, Rose decided to get dolled up for the evening. She opted for a cute off-the-shoulder crop top adorned with a delicate pattern and paired it with ripped short shorts that hinted at the casual allure of a beach town evening. The outfit complemented her carefree spirit and the anticipation of the night ahead.

With a few quick fixes, her messy blonde hair transformed into loose waves that framed her face. Satisfied with her appearance, Rose headed downstairs, catching a glimpse of herself in the hallway mirror. The reflection revealed a version of herself ready to embrace the evening's adventures.

Grabbing her skateboard, she set off towards Poppy's house. The gentle hum of wheels against pavement resonated through the quiet streets as the sun dipped below the horizon. The warm evening breeze played with her hair as she navigated the familiar paths, the excitement of new friendships and unexpected connections lingering in the coastal air.

Tides and Roseate Skies | Baxter Radic X OCWhere stories live. Discover now