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When we get to the beach I start to rethink my decision when I see all the people there. I am for crowds and big groups of people. But I push through and go to grab a drink.

I am just standing around when I decide do go and sit down by the water to get away from the people. The water has always been a place for me to just get away from my thoughts and relax.

But that relaxation was cut short when I hear a commotion and go it see what is happening. Normally I would ignore it because what am I going to do I don't know how to fight. But I get up one go over there because Taylor told me to look after Belly and if something happened to her I would not want Taylor mad at me.

When I get to the commotion I see Conrad about to fight someone and Belly running in. Before I even get the chance to stop her one of the other guys friends grabs me and hits me in the face and that is all it take for me to go down.

By the time I get back up and recover everyone is running away when we see cop lights. I go to grab Belly but someone else is helping her so I just head to the car.

When I get in the car a just zone out yet again.

Before I know it we are back home after a cop stoped us and dropped us off. Now we are standing in front of a very angry Laurel and that is never good.

"How could you guys be so irresponsible" Laurel says to us all. Steven tries to tell her that it was not a big deal but that was a mistake. Laurel goes on and on and says something to Conrad about being the oldest. Then we all start to walk away when Laurel stops me.

"And want happened to you" the other kids managed to slip away so now I was on my own. "Oh I just trip on a pick of wood" I say. I must have a bruise firing on my face. "We both know that is a lie" Belly's mom says. "They was a small fight and I tried to stop someone from getting involved" I say know I would not be able to lie to Laurel and not to tell her it was Neely I was trying to stop so she does not get in trouble. "Ok well maybe put some ice or something on it. Don't worry about your mom saying anything about it I got you. Now go to bed" I thank Laurel the head to bed.

When I get to my room my phone starts to ring and it is none other than Taylor Jewel herself.

When I answer the phone before I even get the chance to talk Taylor starts to go off on me.

"I told you to look out for belly and i found out she was in a fight and now has a bruise" she says all be fore she looks at the phone to see me.

"Yeah sorry about that...l" I say then Taylor look down and sees my now black eye. "Wait what happened to you" she says concerned. "Well I was bout to go to stop Belly from walking into the fight but some guy held me back and when I tried to get out of it he punch me in the face" I say not looking at the screen.

"Oh I am sorry I-" I cut her off. "No I should have tried harder I am sorry" I say about to hang up. "No you did a good job I should not have yell before I hit the full story" " is this Taylor being nice to me" I say shocked "shut up before I take it back and give you another black eye" Taylor says. "Ok ok well I should get to bed"I say. "Yeah talk to you later ice that eye and if you tell anyone I was nice to you I will leave you with more than a messed up eye"she say and then we both hang up.

I then go to bed think about Taylor yet again.

It is now the next day and I am getting ready for work and sitting in the kitchen and Jeremiah is making a smoothie and Laurel is talking about my mom's famous painting. Some summers she likes to paint us all. Everyone else hates it but I love it because is is one of the few times I get some one on one time with my mom.

"You don't see Noah or Conrad complaining" Laurel goes on to say. "Well Conrad will complain when he is conscious and Noah actually likes doing it" Jeremiah says and laughs but I don't care if I get to actually spend time with my mom.

Then belly comes in and shortly after so does my mom.  They start talking about how belly said yes to the Deb ball and then they get to talking about who is taking belly. When both both my brothers say no my mom tries to get them to say yes when Laurel say "what about you Noah" but before I can get any words out my mom answers for me " oh he does like to dress up and that is not really his scene" what is that Even supposed to mean. I mean yeah I don't like dressing up but "not my scene". What is she trying to say there?

Belly then goes on saying she is not going with any of us but she will find her own date.

Now I am at work and I keep thinking about what my mom said but still try not to let it bother me to much. Jeremiah is at one side of the pool and I am at the other. All the girls are mainly at Jeremiah's end. But one girl named Sadie it over by me.

"How is it going Noah" she says to me "oh I'm good i guess" I saw a little confused on why she was talking to me. I have seen her around town but never really talked much. "You know I thought life guards don't wear shirts" she says "oh well um it's optional but I think I will just keep mine on" I did have abs I don't know how but I did. I just did not want to give Jeremiah any reason to make fun of me. It's not like Jeremiah is always rude to me but it's just how siblings or.

I continue to talk to Sadie a bit and I can tell she is flirting but I try to give her signs that I am not interested and I think she gets the hint but she still continues to talk to me in a more friendly way.

Eventually Sadie leaves after giving me her number and the boys come over. "So who was that girl you were talking to" Steven ask teasingly. "Oh Sadie we are just friends I meant she was trying for more but I turned her down" I explained. "What why she is hot" Jeremiah says then Steven responds "because he is still waiting for taytay to notice him" and the boys start laughing "no I just was not interested" I try to explain "yeah right" they say as they walk away.

They may have been right about the whole Taylor thing but I was not going to tell them and give them more ammunition.

When I get home belly is at something for the Deb bal and the boys all went to the breach and as normal I was asked but it's whatever. I walk down Soto grab a bit to eat when my I see my mom.

"Hey Noah are you busy at the moment"she asks "no why" "want to get your portrait out of the way with" she asks "sure why not" I say exited "ok meet me down by the beach in a outfit you like" I say ok then head up to the room. On my way up I start to wonder if she picked the beach because she knows I like to relax there or it is just a coincidence. In my mind I will just go with the first option.

 In my mind I will just go with the first option

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This is the outfit he chooses.

After I get ready I head down to the beach.

Authors note
I am most likely going to get this book to the same spot as my other tsitp book then go back and forth between the two. Then finish those and go back the my Sadie sink books.

Also I am trying to decide if I should make him a singer/songwriter let me know what you think

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