5 - the supply shed

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Jovi sat in her room feeling trapped. She knew Wyatt and her dad were out in the workshop as proven by his car in the driveway.

She absolutely refused to make the mistake of engaging with him on any level ever again. She was seething from being abandoned at the party, but also because she had let her walls start to crumble. She was so angry at herself for believing that Wyatt was anything more that the jerk she knew him to be.

"I need to go out somewhere!" She said out lout to herself.

She looked around her room for a hint of something that would keep her busy or help her get out of the house.

She grabbed her sketchbook, pencil case and a couple books. She tossed them all in a backpack and decided to go somewhere quiet and pretty.

J- I'm heading out to the pond for a bit. I will have my phone. Be back by dinner.

Jovi left a message for her dad so he wouldn't worry if he came looking for her, not that he ever did.

She changed into a swim suit and a pair of shorts with a gauzy oversized shirt. She threw her water bottle and a fruit bar into the bag and checked out the back door to make sure no one was around before she made her way out to her car.

She drove to the lake and bypassed the main beach area where families gathered with their kids yelling and splashing and playing. She went past the picnic area where the high school and collage kids tended to gather and went to the head of the walking trail where she could find a quiet place overlooking the water.

The slight breeze smelled of grass and flowers and the sun was high and bright and hot. 

Jovi positioned herself against a wide tree trunk after taking off her top hoping to get a bit of a tan. Normally she would get a tan by working outside or spending time in the pool, but both of those things came at the risk of bumping into Wyatt.

She was instantly irritated that he was able to chase her out of her own home. She added that as another reason to dislike him, and the list was getting quite long.

She pulled out a book and tried to settle in and read. Four pages in and she found herself rolling her eyes at the lead character. She was nothing more than a pathetic waif who was hanging on the idiotic words of the leading man. She was busy waiting for attention like her life didn't exist with out his attention. She wasn't in the mood for romance obviously.

She looked at the second book which was a thriller. She decided she didn't have the brain power to focus on the book that required her full attention.

The sketchbook seemed like the best choice so she selected a pencil and a blank page. She didn't know what to draw so she just doodled on the page. She liked to draw elaborate doodle pages when she was thinking.

She tried desperately not to think of Wyatt, but it was inevitable. The unavoidable subject consumed her thoughts and she decided to embrace it. She hoped that when she allowed her brain to think it through the process would help her get over it quicker and get to a calm hatred.

The sounds of people laughing carried over the calm water. She missed people, but also didn't like people. She wanted to be invited to parties, but her recent experience showed her it was nothing like the movies. Maybe if she had more friends or any social skills at all it would have been different.

She let her pencil cover the page in swirls and stars, lines and swoops. It was a great way to keep her hands busy while her thoughts swirled.

As she sat alone all afternoon she came up with a plan. She would set up her small engine work space in the storage shed. Then she could work in peace, she could get all of her jobs done at a normal time, rather than working half through the night like the last two days.

Mission: Avoid Wyatt MastersonWhere stories live. Discover now