28- I wish I knew

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Working on a small engine was one of Jovi's favorite things to do. It usually kept her hands and her mind busy and the time flew.

Jovi sat in her workshop staring at the disassembled machine parts, the parts looked foreign and complicated. If her mind had been able to focus the job would have been quick and easy.

Thinking of the half hushed conversations her family had been having and the awkward silences, Jovi couldn't focus. Something had happened while her dad was away she was sure of it.

"Bon? Are you almost done with that mower? I have a few more little jobs that just came in." Her dad interupted her thoughts.

"Um, this? Yeah." She looked down at her work bench at the familiar parts scattered in front of her.

"Ok, I will bring them up, or do you want to run down to the shop and grab them when you are ready?" He asked. His demeanor was nervous and awkward. It was so unusual for him to interrupt her, that it made her uncomfortable.

"Dad?" She was officially worried.

"Yes Bon?" He said finally making eye contact.

"Is everything ok?" She was nervous asking him something like that. She worried he would lie but she also worried that he would give her some bad news.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking around the little room.

"It's just, Um, I mean, it feels like something is going on." She said in the most general way possible.

"We are trying to figure some things out , I promise we will talk about it soon." He gave her a weak smile.

"Is it about the farm? The business? Money?" She tried not to let any emotion into her voice.

"No honey, nothing like that. Promise." He gave her another smile. This one looked sad.

If it was none of those things she couldn't fathom what it would be. Maybe someone is in bad health? Gran? Gramps? Brenny? Dad?

Her brains swirled uncontrollably as her hands worked on the puzzle in front of her. She was able to reassemble the motor quickly once she got started. She flew though her orders finishing them all by lunch time.

She loaded the finished orders into the back of the atv and drove them the short distance to the main shop. She left them in the back for the delinquents to unload and put away.

"Hey baby!" Wyatt said coming out of the side door.

"Hey there!" She smiled brightly feeling her mood lift.

"So your family know we are dating huh?" He said looking at his feet.

"Um yeah, is that OK?" She felt her heart skip a beat. She had told her family finally that they were officially dating, and had forgotten to tell Wyatt.

"Of course it is. I just didn't think you wanted them to know." He smiled.

"How exactly did you know?" She asked leaning into him for a hug.

"Your dad, Brent and Grandpa are all in there right now. Gran said she was happy to know that you and I were 'spending time together' the men had a slightly different take on it." He grinned.

"Like?" She was suddenly worried.

"They used the word respect a lot and implied that they had a lot of eyes between them all." He smiled brightly.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" She blushed.

"Nah, they were great." He assured her.

She buried her face in his chest.

Mission: Avoid Wyatt MastersonWhere stories live. Discover now