The Start of It All

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It swarmed all around

Yet, if felt warm and comforting

A place where I didn't want to escape

It felt...


Am I-Bitch, I'm sleep

I groaned and began to open my eyes, feeling the light hit my eyes immediately

"Ow, shit.."

I turned on my side and tried to close my eyes back. I stayed up till seven in the morning last night and shit, I'm tired as hell!

I mean, I wasn't doing much of anything last night. Just listening to music, watching T.V., playing in my hair. The usual

Shoot, it was fun but damn, I got a hate-love attitude to the sleeping aspect. It feels so nice and then you wake up

Maybe I should just take my happy ass to sleep


The fuck-

I looked over to the side and then squinted my eyes

The hell is a white boy doing in my room?

"W-Who are you!?"

I lift a brow and began to sit up before I looked down to the sheets

They weren't black?

Mine are black-Why the fuck are these blue?

I sat up some more and looked around, confused as to where the hell I popped up. I then cupped my cheeks, eyes wide 'Oh sweet Jesus! Did my dream of going into another world come true! Did I stumble upon my future hubby!'

I then froze at my thoughts "Wait.."

My eyes immediately went to the boy at the doorway and only observed his figure. He flinched, I guess I must've been looking really hard

He backed away some and then looked down before trying to look back into my eyes. Wait, a minute..

Wait a MINUTE!

I pointed at him and moved my legs to get out of the bed "You!" He flinched yet again, such a little scardy Cat

I tilted my head and stood up, walking to him before stopping some ways from him

And now, here we stood staring at each other

The more I observed him, the more I was able to pinpoint who he was

Just think about it, those baby blue eyes can't hide nothing from me!


He stood there before giving me a confused stare. More so, scared? Shocked?

I then covered my mouth as I stared at him "Oh, jesus-What happened to you?"

He had blood all over him! His shirt, his hands! He had this big bruise on his cheek and a cut and oh my God!

I quickly ran over and sat my hands on his arms to make sure ether were injured either but, they had some bruises on them too!

"...Bro, who did this? What happened?"

He only stayed quiet though. I guess I scared him real b-

Why was his face red?

Oh God, is the blood doing something! Did his head get hit too hard! Is that why he's red!?


As she yelled in her mind and observed him, the blonde before her only had one thought in his mind

'H-Her...Her breast..'

The shirt she was wearing gave him a full view. That's why he couldn't look into her eyes!

They were in front of him, full view!


With his help, they found the first aid kit and she got to work as soon as they sat down in the kitchen

He couldn't help but sit and stare as she did her work

Who was she? He didn't remember seeing her in any of the pictures or articles that he and Naoto spoke on. He didn't remember her at all either from his younger days


Who was this?

The girl in front of him strapped the last band-aid down and then rubbed it softly with her thumb "You're either hella clumsy or someone beat the crap out of you"

She frowned and then looked back to his eyes, catching them as they carefully watched her

"How did you know my name.."

She blinked at him, almost forgetting what she said not too long ago. But, she only smiled and sat her hand in his hair "Guess we gotta have a talk then.."

She sat back and shrugged "It may just be me but, the fact that your traveling to save her-It's sweet. Not gonna lie" She then scratched her cheek and looked off "I mean, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm too much of a coward"


She only smiled as he began to panic, lifting her hands some to help "Shh..It's ok.." She sat them on his shoulders and laughed

"It's gonna be a fun night, Takemichi"



She nodded as they still sat in their same spots "Yeah, that's me. But, back to your whole issue," She gave him a thumbs up "I'll make sure you get your goal. She's really sweet and, I think you guys are kinda cute together"

"At this point, you've seen a good bit to understand your situation. I'm guessing Kiyomasa's bitch ass did this to you"

She then frowned and glared at his scares

"Ah! (Y/n)-San!"

He sat there as she wrapped her arms around his head and held him closer to her chest "I wish that bitch would touch you again! I'd merk his ass if I had the chance, how dare he treat you like that!"

As she yelled, Takemichi only sweatdropped and looked ahead

"So...That means.."

She looked down and began to release him, seeing that he's now staring at her with bold, focused eyes "You know everything? Even about Manjiro?"

The girl sat back down and then cupped one of his hands, giving him a soft smile "...So much will happen on this journey, Takemichi. I know you'll handle it but, there's gonna be some tough tribulations. And, if you ever need some help,"

Her eyes sparkeld slightly as they stared into his

"I gotchu"

He began to stare wildly at her. She knows everything, why wouldn't she just tell him so he could finally save her? They've just started but, Naoto was depending on him

Maybe she-

That's right, the butterfly effect. If she did tell him everything, something might happen in the future..

He looked back tot he ground, staring at his knees..


The girl watched in surprise at his bowed figure, her hands up as she stared

"Thank you...(Y/n)-San"

She blinked at him before rushing to pat his back "Takemichi, it's all good! I swear, lift your head back up, it's all fine!"

But, he only felt reassured

He now had someone in the past to help him

At least, this would ease his shoulders for what she's warning him to come

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