About Audrey

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Full name: Audrey Harris Brooks
Age: 9 years old
Race: African American
Hair color: black
Eye color: hazel
Pets: Benjie (coyote)

Audrey was adopted by a cameraman at 13 months old. The Camera man (goes by the name Johnny) was battling skibid toilets. He chased one into an abandoned building and, after a long fight since the skibid toilet has laser guns, Johnny came out victorious and flushed it. That's when he heard a baby crying in one of the rooms. He went to investigate and in one room found a dead man laying on the floor. Next to that dead man was a little girl, who was crying and frightened.
He felt instantly terrible for that little girl, knowing that she was all alone, scared, and vulnerable.

Johnny went over to the little girl and comforted her.
"There, there. It's alright, kid. You're safe now."
The little girl stopped crying and looked up at Johnny with wide, deep brown eyes. She reached a small hand and touched Johnny's camera lens, then tugged on his tie, laughing. Johnny felt a warmth spread through his body. He instantly felt attached to this little girl.
Johnny always thought of having a little family of his own instead of fighting skibidi toilets all the time. He knew right then and there he wanted to be her father. To take care of and protect her at all costs.

"I think I'll name you Audrey. Im not really sure if you have a name already, but this one suits you." Audrey beamed and babbled in agreement. From then on, Johnny became Audrey's dad and took care of her as his own.

Camera man's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now