Audrey and her dad gose to the opega dimension

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Audrey pov
I know that I got my powers from the Opega dimension. It was also where my mother was from. I found that out when I first spiritually traveled to Opega when I first received my powers.
When I think of that, I always wanted to go to that dimension again, to try and meet my mother. I wonder why I never saw my mother while I was there.
But just recently, I came to Opega again. The leader, Ozara, told me I could come and meet my mother. I was thrilled and told dad about it.

"Dad! Ozara wants me to go over to Opega to see my mom."
"Why that's great! But how are we able to open up a portal to get there? Maybe I'll have the scientist camera man try."
"No worries! I have the ability to open up a portal so we can get there."
Aquamarine, my friend, came over to see, holding my frog benjie, who was croaking up a storm.
"Hey, Audrey. What you talking about?"
"I'm going over to Opega to meet my mom."
Her blue eyes widen.
"Really?! Isn't that, like, another dimension?"
"Yeah, it where I got my powers from also."

"Man I wish I could come but I think my big sis wouldn't let me travel there. She can be quite protective."
"I can see that with my dad."
"I heard that," Dad shouted out.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
Aquamarine sat down benjie, who happed away after devilmond.
"Well, good luck meeting your mom. I'm happy for you. Tell me all about it when you get back."
"I will. See ya."
"See ya. Let me go deal with that duck."
Aquamarine ran after benjie. That little frog was biting at that camera man's head.

I laughed and closed my eyes. I summoned up another energy from my body, causing me to glow. The portal opened up as a golden circle.
Everyone stopped to look and Marvel at the portal. Aquamarine smiled and waved at me.
"Well, you goes first, honey," Dad said. Without hesitating I leaped into the portal. Dad step in after me.

When we got through the portal,(I had to carry dad with my super strength, since he'd step out onto nothing) my jaw dropped at the amazing world of Opega all around me. The sky glowed with a golden and light blue color, dotted with orangish, fluffy clouds. As far as the eye could see, white crystal like mountains dominated the landscape. Large, neon green pine trees clustered together into one big forest.
Tall, sparking multicolored white, cliff like house structures gather together in a large city.

It was so stunningly beautiful, more than I expected it to be.
"It's amazing out here," Dad gasped. "You kind do live in a very beautiful world. It's much Better than where we live."
"Dad, look. They're people like me flying around!"
Indeed they were lots of people who had wings like I have, flying and roaming around the city.
But there is one beautiful woman that spotted me. As soon as she saw me, she flew towards right to where I was. She looked an awful lot like me; with the same brown, eyes, same face....
No, wait! Could it be....
"Mom?" I called out?
The woman answered back, crying out,
"Audrey, my daughter! It's finally you!"
"Mom!" Tears streaming out my eyes I flew straight toward her (I did have to put Dad down on a cliff edge.) I flew into Mom's arm and cried into her chest. Mom was crying, too.

For my whole life, I had wanted a mother, and now I had finally found one. After a few Moments, we let go and smiled, gazing into each other's eyes.
"I'm so glad to reunite with you. I'm sorry about your father, sweetie. If only I'd was able to take you here with me"-
"It's okay, Mom. I have a dad that. He over there."
I pointed over to where dad was standing. He waved at us. Mom waved backs smiling.
We flew over to him, and Dad shook Mom's hand.
"It's very nice to meet you, umm what's your name?"
"Maurae, a name that perfectly matches your beauty. My name's Johnny."
Mom blushed a little, giggling.
"You're charming for a person who has a camera for a head."

I couldn't take any of this flirting. It was so embarrassing.
"Mom, Dad. PDA."
"Aww, sorry, Audrey. Just saying the truth."
I rolled my eyes at dad.
Dad asked mom,
"Hey, why don't you come over to our Dimension and meet everyone. It'll be fun..."
"Sure, I would like to."
"That's great mom. That mean's I'll get to show you to all my friends."
Mom laugh. This really one of the best days ever.

Here is a updated version of Audrey

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