Y/n goes through a tough breakup after being cheated on by football player Joao. And have to face each other in the World Cup , but of course fate has a funny way of bringing people back together. Somehow, they find themselves talking again and thin...
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Liked by magui_corceiro and 392,472 others Joaofelix79: 😍✌️❤️ View all comments
User3782: NO WAY HE CHEATED😐 Magui_corceiro: ❤️ User2942: feel so bad for y/n Y/nxjoao: wth User38294: finally he got with sm better 😂 View more comments
Y/n pov I was otp with joao while he is explaining what happened and trying to act innocent. 'It's not a big deal I didn't say anything when you posted that boy' I heard him say of course he was trying to gaslight me. 'he was my cousin' I said. 'Still it's the same thing' he said 'Joao I'm not with guys taking pics half naked.' 'She's just a friend y/n, you mean more to me.' I could hear his voice crack. 'Joao I love you but this isn't going to work you keep doing the same thing and blaming it on me. I'm not apologizing for your actions' I said. 'You just don't get it do you, you don't understand.''then make me understand! This your fault all of this is your fault.' I said. 'So that's it just like that, your going to throw everything away after everything we've been though.' 'You've been through?! Joao I had to defend you in the internet because of you and your mistakes.' 'So we're done. Fr this time?' He said. 'Yes I don't wanna hear from you again, have fun with magui.' I said and hanged up. ————————————————————————— Y/nMartinezc has posted a tweet! Y/nMartinezc: to pretty to be a homewrecker if imma be honest.. 2,492,922 likes|392,932 replies User3924: I JUST KNOW DAMN WELL YOUR LYING 😭. Ml.y/n: you deserve better anyway 😘 judebellingham: text me 😉 User7392: IM DEAD NOT JUDE REPLYING 💀 Magui: thanks 😘
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