Fiddling With Time

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The ever increasing size of the universe was usually predicable. It happened at a pace that many different species recorded in the linear space time continuum.

I still found myself running through the corridors of the ship. This was not any ship, no fellow acquaintance, this ship was the last surviving ship of Antonia.

You might ask why I utter the name of a dead sky system. I ask you the same, how do you know of the dead sky system?

The planets in the system all collided in a freak accident before hurdeling towards the star that they orbited. Most organic life did not flee, as the impact was not predicted.

Antonia... Was my home.

My father and mother, were part of a council that ruled on the home planet of Ethea. In Ethea there was an intergalactic alliance. We were a subspecies of humanoid shape shifters. The day of the collisions was the same day a festival for the 3 main races on Ethea. My parents were summoned by the first ones. The first ones were the first creatures to navigate the stars in the system of Anitonia

Alas, I'm getting off track here... Aren't I...

I was running through the corridors of ship. Containment breach of homicidal plants. A true nightmare if you ask me.

The point of gravity shifted as my feet lifted the ground for a second before I slammed into the wall. A hefty impact. A few seconds later I opened my eyes to see green vines slowly stretching towards me creeping across the floor. Slowly growing, hoping to hold onto me.

I mentioned they were homicidal? The main branch from which the plant sprouts snapped the vines that were creeping towards me. Greatful for a narrow escape, I made my way up against the wall that was now the floor.

Using matter manipulation was exhausting and usually a last resort. I didn't train nearly enough as I should. I didn't know what to do in this dire situation.

I screamed,

Way too loudly,

Way too long.

The main branch had roots that were 3 corridors ahead. I slid open the airlock waiting for the pressure to change. I wondered if the plants got into the ships electronics. If they did, we would all be toast. Me, my mentor Allen and his daughter Eileen.

My parents passed away in the collision.

I was aboard this very ship when the impact happened. My grandparents were moving stars, so they wanted to show me their new home. A luxurious spacecraft fit to travel the inner galaxies. As my young self explored, I witnessed the death of everyone from afar. Everyone I knew was obliterated.

My grandparents who were just as impacted by the event, no longer wished to travel. We left the ship in orbit of the nearest star system on the very outer ring of the asteroid belt.

The ship we turned into a sanctuary. A glorified space station if you will. A place for travelers to stop, rest, get something to regain energy, fule for their crafts and then to leave. In the beginning we worked with currencies. After a while we did trade.

Trade in creatures and organisms.

Before you scold me, it's not what it seems.

People genuinely want to trade organisms for disgusting reasons, but we do not.

Each organism gets placed within a biome. This biome is within a cage. A infinity cage. Each cage spands about 4 systems wide and two systems high. Giving the organism enough space to explore, build and rest.

Each ecosystem was made with enough balance to maintain life for as long as we could keep the biomes safe.

This was my job. That I so bitterly failed at when the plants asumed the cage was regular. Just a regular prison cell, for them to rot and wilt in.

A lot of times this is what happens.

We know little about the universes until we experience them.

This plant, its vines and branches are fighting amongst themselves. Yet the plant was still vengeful towards me.

If only communication with plants were as easy as communicating with other organisms.

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