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America's POV

The sun peered through the sides of my curtains causing me to slowly wake up. Just as I reluctantly got up my alarm went off, it read 7am.

I got up, and decided to go get ready for the day. I went ahead and showered and put on my uniform. 

I put my hand through my blue and ivory hair messing it up before exiting my room. I headed for the throne area to report to my father like usual before breakfast.

Entering the throne room I spotted my father sitting down drinking tea like always. He looked at me, and then signaled for me to come closer.

After walking up to him I fixed my cape a little making sure it was secured properly. Then my father finally spoke.

 "America, I'm about to tell you something you may not be the happiest about.”

“Well what is it?” I asked him curiously. Whatever it is couldn't be that bad, my life is already miserable so how much worse could it get? 

“You're getting married.” He answered. 


My voice echoed throughout the entire room. Even my father was slightly startled at my outburst.
“That is not fair! I'm not ready to get married!?” I continued.


“I understand you have full control of me and all but this is something I will not let you choose!” 


“Who am I even marrying!? It's probably just some random princess from another powerful kingdom isn't it!? I want t-” I was about to finish my sentence but was cut off. 



Silence filled the room. I just stared at him baffled. My thoughts were moving quickly and I couldn't process all of this.

Before I could even give more input my father continued. "I decided Princess Ukraine would be the best option, she is the most respectful out of his children after all.".

I was almost speechless, when was this arrangement made anyways!? Why didn't they get my consent first?! I was angry and confused. "How can you just choose who I marry?!" I yelled in anger, how could a father just do this to his own child!? "Is mom okay with this???" I added before my father could respond to my first question.

"America, look, I knew you wouldn't be fond of this whole idea of marrying a stranger, so I invited Ukraine to stay here. It's to make wedding planning easier and for you to get to know her more. Also, your mother does know about this. Don't even try to convince her to call off the wedding or else I'll have to deal with you." He said glaring at me while saying that last part.
The room was quiet, I was angry, upset, confused and was just overall conflicted about the situation. I didn't want to get married so young. Not only that, isn't Ukraine one of USSR's children? Why is dad marrying me off to her out of all people. 

“Her older brother will also be watching over her so he will be here too.” My father added.

“Whatever.” I turned to leave before he even dismissed me. I didn't want to hear more of his voice right now. 

I headed to the dinning hall to go eat, the smell of fresh food filled the air as I got closer. Making my stomach growl, I was hungry.

I entered the dining hall and spotted my mother, Canada, Aussie, and Kiwi already eating. My mother was talking to Canada, probably about his duties or if he is interested in any princess yet. Aussie and Kiwi were giggling about something, probably some girly stuff. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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