Under The Moonlight

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America's POV

"Ame! Be more careful please?!" Canada yelled chasing after me in the field. "I can't hear youuu" I yelled back, running in the almost seemingly infinite field, the lights of the festival could be seen in the distance not too far away. "Ame please? We have to get back to where everyone is before dad notices we're gone!" Canada shouted visibly out of breath from trying to chase me down.

"Okay whatever." I stopped running to face my brother as my cape swayed in the wind. My white and gold uniform shimmered in the moonlight. "Thank you." My brother said to me, we headed back to the crowd where the festival took place. 

A country with a red flag and stars that resided in the corner came up to me and my brother. "There you guys are! I've been looking for you guys everywhere!" the country exclaimed with a smile on his face. 

"Sorry about that China, someone just decided to run off." Canada stated giving me a dirty look. "What? You can't blame me?! This festival is the same every year, you can't expect me not to get bored?" I sighed. "That's not the point! It's rude not to attend." Canada added. "Well now that you guys are both here can we at least TRY and enjoy the festival." China pleaded, lifting both of my hands up and enclosing it in his. 

I have to admit i couldn't just let his outfit go to waste, He told me before we came he got it made specifically for tonight, I think he said it was because someone from a certain kingdom will be attending for the first time, I don't really remember exactly who it was though. China wore a stunning crimson hanfu with gold accents, even though it looked a bit big I just assumed that's how it was supposed to be. China always wore hanfus that seemed too big for him but that doesn't mean he doesn't look nice when he wears them most of the time. I'm surprised he hasn't tripped because of one of them yet.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I said while turning to Canada, "You don't mind if I go with China right 'Nada?" I added. "As long as you're not getting into any trouble I don't care what you do" my brother sneered. I chuckled at what he said, "Don't worry little bro, i'll be on my best behavior." I grinned and gave him a pat on the back.

"Great! Lets go!" China grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away before Canada could even respond. "Japan should be here somewhere." China said, still pulling me along.

After 5 minutes or so we heard someone call out to us.

"China-kun! America-kun!" a young girl yelled behind us, China stopped moving and let me go (finally). I turned around to see a beautiful young country, her flag was white and had a red circle in the center.

"Japan!" I exclaimed while pulling her into a hug, "How have you been? It's so good to see you!" I asked her. "I'm good! It's also nice to see you too!" she said while hugging me back. "Where were you two going?" She asked China, "I was taking America here to see the new cherry blossom tree after we found you." he answered. 

"Cherry blossom tree?" I said, clearly confused, "You've haven't been here in a while so some things have changed since the last time you visited." China stated while rubbing the back of his neck. "Mhm, there's a cherry blossom tree that has been planted here a while ago." Japan added with a smile on her face. "It's really beautiful, I also heard that once you take a petal of one of the flowers you'll find true love in the near future!" Japan said excitedly.  

I chuckle at her statement "Japan a tree can't give you a lover, it's probably just pure luck."  "Well you never know? Now enough chit-chat, let's go!" China said pointing in the direction of the tree. 

-When They Reached The Cherry Blossom Tree-

We stood in front of the cherry blossom tree, and Japan wasn't lying, it was breathtaking. The leaves rustled in the wind and petals fell onto the ground.
Japan giggled "See i told you? Beautiful." she said. "Yep, you've said it Japan." China added. 

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