Nia and.. who?!

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(Nias P. O. V)

I sign out of the group chat so i can answer my door. Me, already knowing who it is runs to the door and when i get there i stop to catch my breath..

Then i swing my door open reavealing.... My boyfriend...Phil Lester. Gosh he is so amazing. He brought me a dozen daisies. We've only just started dating so i didn't really expect roses. I prefer daisies anyway. He also brought a few movies for us to watch so we can cuddle on the couch together.
"Hello gorgeous." he said in his beautiful accent. Me Annaliese and Maddie aren't from here if you couldnt tell. We moved here when Annalieses aunt opened up the parlor we all got jobs and eventually found our own places. Me and Maddie own our own little bakery we bought with our parents life insurqnve money. They died a few summers ago in a train accident. I miss them every day.

"Nia?" Phil asked snapping me put of my thoughts.

"Sorry, i zoned out." i said laughing, he laughed too.

"So uh what movies did you get?" i asked him allowing hime tow alk in and closing the door behind him.
"I got The Notebook and Halloween." he said while we waked into so i.could get a vase for my Daisies that my babe bought me. We made some popcorn and sat on the couch snuggled together we watched The Notebook first.

Phil layed down with me in his arms and we stay like that for the rest of the night. Occasionally he'll place light kisses on the top of ny head. We ended up falling asleep like that. Couldn't ask for a better night.

Hey y'all i just wanted to do a quick authors note telling you what the characters look like.

Annaliese- about 5'5 shoulder length dark blonde hair with light highlights chic boujie and a bit of a hipster

Dan- Dan howell
Phil- is obvi phil

Nia-is short petite and has long brown wavy locks with bright green eyes hippie animal lover

Maddie- Tall Brunette with hazelish eyes and a beautiful smile. A bit psychotic. Lol (rylie) she's free spirited and loves to travel. Possible love interest in the future...

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