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The smaller hand on my deskside clock finally points to five.

' I suppose twenty minutes should be enough... ' I think to myself as I sit upward and remove the blankets from on top of me.

I take one more long breath before I move any more.

I've had plenty of time to indulge in the memory of today. Sitting here and smiling to myself about the past hour is only going to lessen my remaining time to ask Nii-san about what happened tonight.

It's just difficult to not feel the high of Senpai carrying me in his arms like that, gently tucking me into bed for the first time since I was sick last month.

Though I feel a bit guilty for tricking him into thinking I was asleep, the way he awkwardly tried to move me to my room without waking me, and how he stood there next to my bed for a few moments longer to make sure I was comfortable...

It would have been nice if he had taken off my sweater, as I do feel awfully hot at the moment, but I'm not sure if either of us would have been able to handle him undressing me, even if only a little-....

I need to stop myself.

I can go back to thinking about him later tonight.

I'd like to satisfy another curiosity before I go to sleep, as well as fulfill a promise I made this morning.

Getting up and exiting through my guest room's door into the hallway of Senpai's home, I'm immediately met with the tall, slender figure of the only woman who would still be wandering the halls at this hour, a small teacup held between her delicate fingers.

"O-Oh, Rider...!" I greet my servant with mild surprise.

She stops her movements directly in front of where I stand, forcing me to slightly adjust my gaze upward to meet her rectangular pupils with my own.

Having to do this was admittedly a bit anxiety inducing at first. I've always been used to the boys my age standing taller than me, but never before had I met a girl who towered over me like this.

Though, by now, I'm quite used to Rider's uncommon height. It's actually a bit nice having my servant be this much taller than me, and even if she is insecure about it, I think that if anything, it only adds to her already present beauty.

And besides, I am far too aware of how sweet she is to be scared of her anymore, but it still seems like I'm the only one who does as of now.

Rider returns my greeting with a slight nod of the head.

"I was just brewing myself a cup of tea to drink while I read. My apologies if this wasn't something I was supposed to do without asking."

"Oh no, don't worry. I'm actually happy that you're getting more comfortable staying here."

"That's good." She replies in the same monotone voice she typically speaks in. "I suppose you're looking for Akito?"

"Yes, I was going to check in his room first, but if you saw Nii-san somewhere else I'd really appreciate you telling me."

"No, you suspected correctly. I spotted him entering by himself when I made my way towards the kitchen."

"Ah, thank you! I'm sorry for leaving so quickly, but I would like to ask him about his day with Saber-san before he goes to sleep." I say with a small, apologetic bow.

"You don't need to apologize. I figured as much when I saw you."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning then, Rider. I hope you enjoy your tea!" I give a second small bow with my farewell and turn myself around towards the guest room next to my own.

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