It is nota fantastic pose we are assuming here. Life
is a bundle of contradictions. We are only drawing the
pointed attention of our readers to two supreme facts
which we may easily forget: (1) The only thing that
exists, and the only reality worth seeking is God.
Neither the solving of social, national or international
problems, nor the service of humanity is the ultimate
৪०al. The highest goal is the realization of God. And the
knowledge of God and the knowledge of the world anof।o-exist. (2) The service of men and the allevia-
tion of human suffering is best done by not
concentrating conscious attention on them, but by the
indirect ै action of a mind itself lost in God. The greatest
servers of humanity, the saints, prophets, and Incarna-
tions, have all been unconscious workers. Consciously
only qुuest has been God, not as revealed in
humanity, but as He is in Himself. But because they
lived with God alone, their influence was the most
potent on men. Had they divided their mind between
en and God, they would have been less effective in
Hheir influence on mankind. This is the secret-subjec-
tively, they lived only for God, and therefore
objectively, they served men best.
But that is not the whole truth. Men of God become
more and more like God Himself. They become impreg-
nated by the Divine nature, or rather, they become
Divine as they become absorbed in and identified with
God. What do we find of God? This creation is held
together and every moment rejuvenated not by the
intervention of God in human fashion, but subtly,
mysteriously, by His mere presence. So the men and
women of God nourish the being of others by their
proximity, indirectly, unconsciously. But God also
destroys. Playfully He brings into being this infinitely
various universe, and playfully He destroys it. So there
are two opposite movements of the soul. In one it finds
the whole universe interpernetrated by God, and even
the meanest being appears to it as God Himself; it
kneels before it in ecstatic adoration, and its love andempty shadow, unreal,
the trarnscendental reality. And then the
TOSoा love or service
universe as
anothet, it finds the
These twin aspects of the soul-life
manifest in all great lives. We always find in the
Saints the r alternate expression of all ওweepiNह CVT
complete indifference. If we consider areuly অर
last days of a saint's 1ife are often
shall find that the last
are prominenty
indifference to relative life. to serve which
perhaps he dedicated the best part of his life and ener
eा2ed by adeeer aDSOTpUON UN GOd A
consciousness of
gY. It is due to no disgust or
uflled. ft is me्ey the assertion of the
aspect of the the world as Divine
soul-life. To realize the
and to find it shadowy are but alternate aspects of the
Same great experence in wwhich। God alone is real.
हNe ateA
These truths of the soul-life are applicable also to
us ordinary men. Our life also must have these twin
aspects. No doubt, in our presentstate, we cannot total-
ly forgo activities, internal and external. But we m
not lose sight of the ultimate truth, and we must. in
a৫eordance with it, try to realize both these aspects in
our lffe. VWe must act and serve in the spirit of worshin।
চut we must know at the same time that all hi
vanitythat the world and its concerns are false and
unreal and that God alone is real. And thus we must
every day sit in meditation, withdrawing our con-
sciousness from everything and applying it to God,
who is the Soul of our soul and who abides in ourinmost t being. Without the latter aspect, the former will
be false and superficial. But the latter stands by itself.
The instinct of the Hindu mind that our true nature is
transcendental and actionless is unerring. Is points to
the goal towards which all our efforts should be
directed. May we be lost more and more in the
transcendental glory of the Lord!Thankyou very much for reading me