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He walks down a lonely path, one where his pain is numbing, one that took his humanity, on this lonely path, he met her, a deam light to the world except to him. To Aloch she is a piercing light, gradually becoming brighter and blinding him. To her, to Yul, Aloch is fast becoming the world, he sees her, he protects her, he always walks to her, a presence behind her ready to catch her if she ever falls, They are fated for each other a choice not to be made but to be accepted instead. Cruel it might be, cruel it actually is but such is the journey of ones such as them. Aloch has carried a three thousand year old darkness and he is reminded of it when he looks at Yul, the light she brings is unfamiliar, he finds himself smiling when she says something funny and is fascinated by her inquiry into history. Yul does not talk about the world of the dead and living anymore, it scares her so instead she asks about the journey of the three thousand year old undead Aloch; Sometimes, she stops when she sees his expression change, it changes into something Aloch is unaware of himself, a sad expression not easily seen except to her so she takes him to see and experience the things that he has ignored in his entire existence. Aloch has learned that Yul might have a power that could end his long existence, it was the logical conclusion seeing as the world of the dead was trying to harm her. Aloch stays close because he protects her and because he is drawn to her, protecting her is a convinient excuse for him. There are times when being near Yul causes him to feel the wind against his face, the closest thing to being alive. There's no shortage of enemies for the two. The world of the night is afraid of Aloch however, not all motivations are rational, an old foe watches to strike at Aloch whom he believes eliminated his family some six hundred years ago. Aloch takes a break from watching and being a part of Yul's daily life, a break he takes to think, he wonders if it might be a bad idea to get even closer to Yul, he has existed long enough to know that having hope in the world he lives is pointless, he sits by himself on the edge of a cliff as he tries to feel the wind on his face. Aloch is conflicted about removing himself from Yul's life but as he closes in on the decision to walk away, he hears something, a sound of a bell triggered by the gate keeper. Yul is attacked by the night creature with a grudge, she tries her best to run and get away but it is of no use, she is physically weak and cannot fight back for too long, she has not felt the presence of Aloch all day and her heart is remorseful for the agony that Aloch has endured throughout his existence, she desperately runs and hides from the night creature, her eyes wet with tears and then she finally feels It, the nothingness that Aloch arrives with but she feels a pain in her heart from the ominous way Aloch's presence feels, she can tell that he is angry, he approaches the vengeful night creature plucking away at its existence from the top of his skin, this time he imparts the pain of the undead in the creature, he wants it to feel pain, the pain that he is so familiar with, the only thing he has to give, his heart has not had life in it for so long but he can feel an aching from his chest when he hears the helpless groans of Yul clearer as he gets closer. He gets closer and walks past the night creature, he is livid and can only say one thing "cease" and with that one word the night creature is erased from all form of existance. Yul looks on at Aloch who bends down to pick her from the ground, a tear falls from her eyes "I have brought pain to him again" she thinks to herself but Aloch responds "no, you brought me life" he could her her thoughts, he takes her in his arms and gets on his feet, she grips a hold of him, a grip that he responds to "I won't ever leave your side again"

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