Truth or Dare?

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The students were all redoing their 7th year. Draco, Astoria, Theo, Blaise, Gregory, Pansy, Daphne, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Dean, Neville, Seamus and Ron were all friends.

They all gathered inside the Gryffindor common room.

"I'm bored" Theo groaned

"We all are" Blaise said

"Why don't we play a game?" Pansy said smirking

"Like what?" Hermione asked

"Spin the bottle?" She suggested

"That's too far" Harry shrugged

"Truth or dare?" She said

Everyone agreed

"So who'll start?" Hermione asked

"ME!" Draco shouted

"I choose Potter!" He said

"Drake, how many times have we told you to call them by their first names?" Astoria said

"I just like their last names better" He said

"Oh and Potter, truth or dare?" He asked

"Truth" Harry said

"Take veritaserum" He said as Harry took the liquid

"Who do you like?" The blonde asked

"Hermione Granger" He said 

Everyone gasped and some were cheering

Draco decided to ask a few more questions before the potion wear out.

"Who do you want to lose your virginity to?"


"Do you think Hermione likes you?" 


"When did you like her?" 

"It has been more than 1 question, Malfoy!" Harry exclaimed as the potion wear off.

Everyone smirked

"Have a crush on me, Pottah?" Hermione said smugly

Harry blushed

"Well, er ye-" He was cut off by an aggressive kiss from Hermione.

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