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8th Year <3

Since, Gryffindor had won against Slytherin in Quidditch, Seamus decided to throw Gryffindor a party and invited everyone.

Harry was already drunk.

Ron was too.

Ginny is probably also.

Let's just say everyone is drunk except for the one and only Hermione Granger.

She was sulking in the dark corner with a book to hide her face.

"Hermione! There you are, have a drink!" Ginny said burping out loud.

Hermione surely smelt the alcohol from the gas.

"Nevermind" She said and go to grab more alchohol.

"Hey you!" A voice said

She was shocked to see Harry without his glasses and drunk.

The cutest boy, she thought.

"Hmm?" She answered

"You know Hermione Granger?" He said

"Harry, I am Her- wait, no who is her?" She said

She decided to play along.

"She's the most sexiest and smartest girl!" He grumbled

"Also the most hottest! You can name me all the models you want, no one compares to her!" He growled

She smiled

"I love herrrrrrrr but don't tell her that!" He whispered

Hermione kissed him passionately on the lips

"Woman!" He yelled

Hermione grabbed his glasses and put it on him

"Wait Hermione!?" He gasped

Replied by another powerful kiss.

Harmione One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now