Chapter 3

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*Chapter 3*

-Jess' POV-

I flung open my door as the car pulled up in the driveway, not waiting for it to stop. My feet carried me to my room, and I quickly typed a reply to Ed before logging on to my computer.

"Definitely! Just tell me when and where! Preferably no food...xx."

My computers screen was slowly loading when my Mother yelled up the stairs, "Jessica, come down here and unload the groceries!" I sighed and stood up from where I was sitting on my bed, lying my computer on the bedside table. As I was walking down the stairs, a beep rang out from my room. It was the sound I had set for Twitter. A smile was on my face and I walked towards the door, heading to the car.

The groceries were heavy as I carried the bags up to the door. I quickly ran them into the kitchen and dropped them on the floor. I leaned over to start placing them in their right spots, when I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I figured that it was just a reply text from Ed, so I quickly pulled it out, opening the message.

"That's an odd request, but I'll see what I can do. I have to go back to London this afternoon. I'll be back in about a week, and then we'll meet up, okay? :-)"

I smiled and quickly pressed the reply button, typing a short message back to Ed.

"Sounds awesome! Have fun in London with whatever it is you're doing. Be careful!"

Then I placed my phone into my pocket and continued unpacking the groceries. I put all the chilled items into the refrigerator and the non-chilled items into the cabinets. Not knowing where Mother was, I yelled out, "I'm done!" And ran back up to my room.

I grabbed my computer hurriedly, plopping down on the bed. As I had suspected, there was a response.

"@realliampayne: @perfect_jess You don't have to be skin and bones to be perfect. I want a way to talk with you privately. Is there a way we can do that?"

The smile stretched across my face was gigantic, and I quickly responded to him.

(A/N I don't know if Twitter has a private chat thing or not. But in this does. :P)

"@perfect_jess: @realliampayne Definitely! I'm opening a private chat right now!"

I then clicked the private chat button, finding Liam's username from the list of them on the screen.

"Hello!" I typed and sent quickly, waiting impatiently for his response. I leaned my head against the bed's headboard, and closed my eyes. A few moments later, I heard a beep.

I quickly looked at the screen, taking in Liam's response. "Instead of just this...can I possibly get your phone number?" Using my pillow as a muffler, I screamed, typing my number for him.

"Sure! It's 453-925-4474"

I then laid my phone on the bed, staring at it intently. A few minutes later, an unknown number was calling my phone. I picked it up and hesitantly pressed the 'answer' button.


---------------------------Liam's POV--------------------------------


Her voice left me speechless, and everything I had planned to say disappeared. She sounded so beautiful and so perfect. There was a muffled giggle.

"Yep, that's me. The one and only! Though, I'm sure there's a million other Jessica's in the world. But none of them are like me!"

I smiled at her energy and laughed.

"You are very energetic right now. And I hate to kill the mood but...You need to eat."

I could hear her sigh, and feel her energy drain.

"Liam...I...ate. Yeah. I ate lunch when you responded to me. T-that's w-w-what I did."

She was worse than I was at lying, and I saw right through it. I didn't want to ruin our first conversation, so I lied right back, acting like I believed her.

"Okay. Good. So...we have a concert coming up and I believe it's around where you live. I really want to meet you. Are you going?"

I heard another sigh and frowned, knowing what her answer would be.

"I didn't have enough money. I saved up for so long and in the end, it wasn't enough. Sorry."

As she finished her statement, Niall walked into the room, a bag if crisps in his hand. He pointed to the phone and mouthed something I couldn't quite understand. I held my finger up, signalling for him to wait a moment. It was quiet on Jess' side of the phone.

"Sorry," I said. "But I've got to go. I'll see what I can do about the concert. Eat something. Bye."

"Bye," She whispered, ending the call.

"So who was that?" Niall asked after I placed the phone onto the table.

"That girl from Twitter," I mumbled, running my hands over my hair. "She's really worrying me."

Niall placed his hand on my back. "Everything will work itself out. I promise. Anyway, Harry wanted me to tell you that Ed's coming later on today for a visit."

I nodded and stood up, staring at the messy flat. "I guess it's time for me to get cleaning." Niall plopped down where I had been sitting and turned on the television. I made a face at him.

"What?" He asked innocently, placing another crisp in his mouth. "You clean, and I'll supervise."

I smiled and bent over, picking up some dirty clothes and putting them in the laundry room, my mind wondering about Jess.

---------------------------- Ed's POV--------------------------------

I quickly grabbed my things from the overhead compartment over my seat on the plane. Following the line, I looked at the conveyer belt where my luggage would be coming around. When I saw my suitcase, I picked it up and turned around, looking through the crowd.

My eyes landed on a familiar head of curly hair and a familiar pair of red TOMs. I quickly ran forward.

Harry and Louis saw me at the same time, wrapping me in a group hug. "It's so good to see you guys!" I exclaimed. They returned the greeting.

Harry picked up my bags and started carrying them, while Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pushing me towards the exit. "So Harry told me you found a girl." I turned and looked at Louis, nodding. "I can't wait to hear about it."

They led me to a black car, putting my luggage in and climbing in beside me. They mumbled a location and Harry turned to me. "Liam found a girl too, on Twitter. But his situation is a little awkward."

"Yeah it is!" Louis said, furiously nodding his head.

"What's her name?" I asked, pulling out my phone to text Jess.

"We only know her Twitter name," Harry said. "It's perfect_jess."

Talking about Liam's girl made me wonder if Jessica had a Twitter. I quickly composed a message. "Hey Jess, do you have a Twitter? Can I have your username if you do?"

I sat my phone in my lap, waiting for her to respond. "Why is Liam's situation awkward?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"She said she's not eating so she could be perfect for us," Louis said, a sad look in his eyes. "I only wish she knew she's already perfect."

Harry sighed. "Anorexia plagues the best of them."

My phone vibrated in my lap, and I checked Jess' response.

"Yep! I have a Twitter. My username is perfect_jess."


A/N Thanks for reading!

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