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Hi guys! :D Ela Here. This is my new story. Hope you enjoy this book. ;D 

Chapter One:

Miranda's P.O.V.

The sun was bright and the sky was blue, a perfect day to go to the beach which I was with my best friends; Raine Louise Weatherly (Lulu), Cassandra Marie Price (Cassie), and Shawn Daniel Moore (Shawn). 

They were in the water playing while I was at shore reading my book when something caught my attention or should I say someone. 

He was a blond boy that was lean and muscular but not too much, just the right amount of muscle, he was wearing green swim trunks and was rock'n it very well, I had  a feeling I knew him yet I couldn't figure out who though, he caught me staring at him and gave me a cheeky smile. 

I blushed and look the other direction, I had a feeling that I was being watched and turned around to see bright blue eyes looking at me, I blushed and smiled at him, he smiled back and is WHAT? Moving towards me?! 


My thoughts were interrupted by a sound of laughter and saw the blue eyed blond sitting next to me, my eyes widened.


Holy Cow! 



I was again interrupted by the same laughter, 

"Do you space out a lot?" He asked  with his thick Irish accent chuckling, 

"Umm... No.. Not really..." I said unsure and trying to keep my cool, 

"Oh really? It doesn't show." He said giving me his smirk, 

I was trying not to faint because of his smirk but I was having a hard time, my thoughts were interrupted by Niall asking, "So, what's your name?" awkwardly, 

"Name is Miranda, Miranda Posley but my friends just call me Mira." I answered with a smile and still trying to keep my cool, he smiled back and said, 

"Nice to meet you Mira, I'm Niall by the way." He said, 

"I know who you are. You're from One Direction and I am a huge fan of you guys." I blurted out, cursing myself in my mind. 

I covered my mouth blushing and looked down at the ground, "Wow. Really? That means a lot to us. Thanks." He said blushing and scratching the back of his neck, 

WAIT! He isn't  freaked out about this? That's good. 

I faced him and stared at his bright blue eyes then blushed, 

"You blush a lot." He pointed out, "I do not!" I argued, 

"Don't be shy, it's cute." He said with a wide smile and patting my head, I blushed more getting redder, 

"So..." H started, 

"So..." I mimicked, 

"How old are you?" He asked, 

"I'm seventeen years old." I answered, I heard a sigh of relief coming from him. 

WAIT! Why would he be relieved? I must be hearing things... 

"Do you might want to hang out with me and the lads today?" He asked, 

"I'd love too but I'm here with some friends today, sorry." I said, 

"It's fine, maybe next time then?" He asked looking hopeful. 

Why would he look hopeful? Maybe I'm seeing things too... "Yeah, sure. I'd love too." I said with a smile, he smiled back and asked, 

"Ummm... Can I maybe... Have your number?" Scratching the back of his neck, I giggled and said 

"Oh sure." Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper from my bag. I gave it to him and he smiled and said, 

"Thanks, see you around?" 

"Yeah, see you." I replied smiling.

When he left I did my happy dance while I was dancing I heard laughter, I turned and saw my best friends on the sand clutching their stomachs laughing. 

"Whe-when di-did yo-you g-uys get here?" I said stuttering and blushing, 

"Just... a little... while... ago..." Lulu said in between laughter, I just looked down the sand not looking at them. When they finished laughing, 

I looked at them then Cassie asked, "What were you dancing about Mira?" with a smile, 

"Nothiiiiiiing." I said not making eye contact with them, 

"You're lying. You always don't make eye contact when you lie Mira." Lulu pointed out, 

"Fudge Cake." I thought, 

"No I'm not." I said still not having eye contact, 

"There you go again." Cassie said rolling her eyes, 

"Whatever. I was just dancing." I lied putting my tongue out to them, 

"Yeah... Dancing... Without any music Mira?" Shawn said chuckling at my obvious lie, 

"Yeah! Everybody does that." I shrugged, they just chuckled and rolling their eyes. 

After the conversation we headed to the water to play then made sand castles and got a tan. After all that, we started to pack up and leave.

When we were at the parking lot I saw Niall again, he smiled at me and I smile back, I then felt my phone vibrate and I checked it to see a message from an unknown number saying:

Bye Mira! See you next time and take care. (:

I smiled then replied saying:

Byeeeeeiii! See you too and take care too. :)

After pressing send, I went inside the car in the passengers seat, sat down, put my seat belt on and went off to dream land...

So guys, that was the first chapter. Hope you liked it. :D

-Lots of LOVE ELA. :*

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