Chapter Seventeen: Hashtag Miranater

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Hiiiii miiii Cupotacorns! :D

Missed me? JK!

I finally had ideas for this chapter. Lol. XD

By the way, this chapter is for my good friend @Bianca_Buaron hope you read her book and follow her. :)

Anywaaaaaaaaays, here's the new chap. :D

Chapter Seventeen:

Niall's P.O.V.:

"Niall!" Paul yelled snapping me out of my thoughts

"Huh? What?"

" I said that the fans already know about Mira and they hate her."

"What? We're not even together and even if we were she makes me happy and I can't let go of her."

"AWWWW!!" Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis said,

"What? I'm telling you the truth. I just really like her and if the fans can't accept that then the hell with them."

"AWWWWW!" They said again,

"But Niall! We need the fans, you guys wouldn't be famous without them." Paul said,

"I know, but I can't just let Mira go."

"AWWWWW!" They said again,

"Enough with the 'awwwwws' guys, it's starting to get annoying." Paul said,

"We can't help it! Niall just really likes her and its cute to see him like that." Harry said pinching my cheeks,

"Yeah, he's just so cute when he talks about Mira." Liam said ruffling my hair,

"Yeah! I ship Milla!" Zayn said,

"Milla?" Paul asked,

"A ship name for Niall and Mira that I made a while ago." Louis said proudly,

"Now that I think about it... It's actually a cute ship name." He said,

"But the fans don't like her. They can't just accept her unlike Cassie." Paul said,

"What?" Harry said snapping his head towards Paul,

"Yeah, apparently they know about Cassie too." Paul said,

"And how do they feel about her?" Harry asked,

"They actually like her. They all know her from Aeropostale being a model and having a bubbly personality, they thought you guys would be good together. They even made a ship name for you guys." Paul said,

"What's the ship name?" Harry asked,

"Hassie." Paul's said,

"Its cute. I like it." Harry said smiling widely,

"At least they like Cassie. How come they don't like Mira?" I said feeling sad,

"I don't know. She's beautiful and all but I think they just don't know her yet." Paul said,

"What do I do to make them see what I see?"

"I don't know but I'm sure you can think of a way." Paul's said patting my back,


F*ck! I forgot to text Mira. I quickly got my phone then texted her,

M: Hey, are alright there?

Mi: No... I just opened my twitter and saw all the hate tweets about me. :(

M: What?! I coming over right now!

Mi: There is no need for that and besides its already late.

M: Nonsense! I'm heading over now.

Mi: Okay... Thanks. :)

M: No problem. See you in a bit?

Mi: Okay.

I quickly changed and then headed to Mira's house.

I arrived there then quietly went to the window where her room was, I picked up a few pebbles then proceeded to throw them at her window. After the third rock she opened her window,

"Niall?" She whisper-shouted,

"The one and only." I replied with a smile,

"I'll open the front door for you." She said,

"No need. I can climb from here to your window."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then, I'll just leave the window open for you."


After that I quickly climbed the tree near her room the went inside without problems,

"Hey." I said to a puffy red eyed Mira,

"Hey." She said with her voice hoarse,

"Are you alright?"


"So tell me about those tweets or better yet I'll read them, is that okay with you?" I asked looking at her with concern,

She just nodded,

I quickly took out my phone then logged to twitter checking the tweets they sent to Mira,

@1d_always: @MiiiraaaP You b*tch! Who are you to date Niall Horan? You're not even pretty! F*ck you! #Miranater

@gang1d: @MiiiraaaP Niall doesn't actually like you! Who would like you?! You're not special in anyway! F*ck you! #Miranater

@niallspotatoes: You should get lost! Nobody wants you! You're just another b*tch using our innocent Nialler. #Miranater

There were a lot more like those and I was surprised and pissed that my fans did that, I quickly tweeted,

@NiallOfficial: Stop bullying @MiiiraaaP! If you hurt her that means you're hurting me too. #StopMiranaters

This chapter had some twitter names and if you had the same twitter name as stated so sorry 'cause I just did the names randomly. So sorry. :)

Pheeeeeew! Hoped you liked it. :D

Remember to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW. :)

Take care always.

-Lots of love Ela. :*

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