Chapter Twelve: Admit It.

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Hiiii there miii sexy cupcaaaaaakes. :D


Sorry for the late update. Was busy and I didn't have any ideas on this chapter.

Hope you read it and enjoy it. :3

Anywaaaaaaaays, here's the twelfth chapter. :)

Chapter Twelve:

Harry's P.O.V.:

I was outside the address Cassie gave me, leaning on my car and waiting for her. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked and saw the most beautiful girl ever, she had red wavy hair and grey eyes, I checked her out and she was hot too, those sexy long legs and those curves, Damn! I'm not sure I can endure this. 

"Are you alright Harry?" She asked raising an eyebrow, even her voice is so beautiful.


"Yeah." She said blushing,

"Great to finally meet you." I said taking her hand and kissing it,

"Same here." She said blushing harder,

"So, are you ready to go?"

"Yup!" She said popping the 'p',

I guided her inside the passenger's seat and headed to the driver's seat to drive.


Cassie's P.O.V.:

We arrived at Starbucks and proceeded to go inside, a lady with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes smiled while saying, "Good Afternoon. What can I get you guys?",

"One Mocha Frappuccino, What do you want Cassie?" He said,

"A Vanilla Bean Frappuccino please."

"Okay, what sizes?" The girl asked,

"Ventis?" He asked,


"Okay, that would be £10.48."

I was about to pay mine but Harry beat me to it,

"There is no way you are ever going to pay when I'm around." He said with a smile,

I just blushed and smiled back,

So we were seated on a table with two chairs facing each other, quietly taking sips of our drinks,

"Okay, this silence is killing me." He said chuckling,

I giggled,

"So..." He started,

"So..." I mimicked,

"How do you like your drink?" He asked awkwardly,

"It's great thanks." I replied,

"So... You're best friends with Mira?"

"Yeah, ever since we were toddlers, perks of being neighbors."

"You live next to Mira?"

"No, actually I live in front of hers."

"Oh. By the way, you asked if I was Patrick. I was just wondering who is he? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

My heart clenched at the sound of his name, I just smiled and said, "Well... Um... He's just my ex..."

"Oh.." Seeming to get that I don't want to talk about it,

"So, do you have other best friends besides Mira?"

"Yeah. There's Sean and Lulu, we're neighbors too."

"Oh. Next to yours?"

"Nope. Mira's."

"So, Mira is like the center?"

"Yeah. She's the baby of the group 'cause she's the youngest."

"How old are you to be exact?"

"17, same age as her but I'm a day older than her."

"When's your birthday?"

"July 28."

"You have the same birthday as Cher Lloyd."

"I know and I love her."

"But I thought you loved me." He said pouting and folding his arms,

"Whaaaaa? Who told you that?" I said with wide eyes,

"Niall told me that Mira said you fancy me." He said with a wink,

"Fancy is different from love." I said blushing, "Note to self to kill Mira later." I thought,

"So you admit that you fancy me?" He said wagging his eyebrows,

"No comment..." I said blushing, 

"Admit it, you do fancy me." He said with a smirk,


"Admit it."


"Admit it."


"Admit it."


"Admit it."


"Admit it."


"Admit it."



"OKAY! I do fancy you!"

"Now that wasn't too hard now, wasn't it?"

I stayed silent, 

"Cassie, you mad?"

I still kept quiet,





"C'mon talk to me..."






"I fancy you too." He whispered in my ear,

I blushed...

Okay.... That was the twelfth chapter.

Hoped you liked it.

Not sure about Harry's order if he does drink it. I kind of made that up. Okay? But I know he likes the mango passion fruit blended juice. ;D

So sorry again for the late upload. 

Hope you forgive me.

By the way, Remember to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW.

Take care always.

-Lots of LOVE ELA. :*

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