[𝟎𝟏; prisoner of the stars i]

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"I don't t remember my past" whenever you spoke these words you received a confused gaze. "I can't" you then added. Those gazes turned into compassion.

Sometimes they wondered how did other saw them. Was their amnesia a curse of never knowing love? Were they a poor little lost lamb who didn't even know itself? Were they a wanderer in their own mind? Or someone who could be both a sinner or a saint without knowing? Whatever the answer was they couldn't help but hide a smirk.

And right now it was no exception. Suddenly the atmosphere at the dining table became awkward.

The young exorcist coughed inside his first as his friend spoke. "I apologize me and Chongyun didn't know about that..."

They smiled, signaling him to stop talking as they smiled warmly at concerned gazes of Lumine and the two. "Don't worry, it doesn't matter... Instead I can tell you what I know of myself" they spoke reassuringly. "After all, I woke up in... weird circumstances" a cruel smirk threatened to peep from their lips.

"If you don't mind" said Xingqiu, masking his uncertainty.

"Oh don't worry" they smile happily. Their eyes met a pair of golden ones. "Feel free to tell me if I forget something, Lumi"


Darkness. The first thing you saw upon opening your eyes was a perfect night, with the darkness completely enveloping you like a shroud.

You sat, holding your head in your hands as you tried to recall scraps of conscience. How long has it been? For how long had you been there? You didn't know. In that eternal night it was impossible to maintaining a decent concept of time.

(You wanted to laugh. Which sin had you ever been guilty of to deserve a similar punishment?)

There was something weird. You could hear it echoing in the void, feel it in the air as an unnamed sensation whispered it into the depths of your mind. (But you didn't know what it was, maybe it was just a stupid feeling or perhaps fate had been cruel enough to tear away from you even what you had begged to not lose: a last shard of reason)

The sounds of steps echoed through the dark ruins, getting closer and closer. You remained motionless, unable to move while all you could do was listen. Hearing the footstep's sound approaching oh so slowly.

"What the heck? This place is out of the map" groaned an a high-pitched voice, perhaps due to the air underground. "Shouldn't we report it to the Guild?" the voice was close to where you were and brought with it a blinding beam of light, but generous enough for you to catch a glimpse of two figures.

You finally managed to stand, feeling your legs tremble beneath your own weight as you fell again on your knees.

"H-huh? What was that....?" the smaller figure placed itself in a fetal position, while the other one got ready to engage a fight. You looked at them and they stared at you.

"I— Is that a ghost?! someone cried.

A ray of light engulfed you, blinding your eyes already accustomed to the darkness. You groaned, bringing your dominant hand to shield your eyes as the other was in vain searching through the pavement something to use as a weapon.

"Who's there?" a new voice asked, which you deducted to belong to the other figure they had caught a glimpse of. You raised your arms in surrender, upon seeing the figure's prowess with the sword and and a way to get out from those ruins.

You squeezed your eyes, finally managing to see in more detail the figures' characteristics.

They were a peculiar duo, there was something about them that reminded you of the stars that adorned the vault of the sky. Perhaps it was in the woman's— you couldn't quite pinpoint her age— features, bright and golden as the purest ray of light. Or maybe it was in the other figure that, unlike the other, was in the grip of something between astonishment and fear.Although at first glance her construction was that of a child, it didn't take a genius to realise she was no normal child, given the star-like shimmer in her eyes and the bronze tiara on her head.

"Who are you?"

Right, who were you? That question seemed to break a thread of silent thoughts in your mind. Who were you? Where did you come from? No matter how much you searched, you couldn't find an answer. "I..." your almost whispered words maneged somehow to sound loud in that silence. You spoke your name as your eyes seemed to water "That's the only thing I can remember"

(A/n): This was originally made as a pov for a YouTube playlist (I'll put the link in the future to avoid spoilers, I promise) but YouTube recently decided to delete my pov welp🧍‍♀️

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