The Talk

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Chresanto went outside and see Isabel on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. She was writing her journal. He sat next to her.

"You're Isabel, Right?" He asked her

She said not one word to him. Didn't bother to look at him either.

"I'm Chresanto" He said

She just continue writing. No attention to him.

"You could call me Roc that's my nickname" He tried to catch her attention "Ray says you don't talk. Why"

She stopped writing but didn't look up

"I had a friend once and he was a mute. He was a fun guy to be around before. Then he stopped talking suddenly. Then few weeks later, He tried kill himself because no one would listen to him" He said

Isabel went back to writing trying to ignore him

"If you're holding something inside , Tell someone before you become more depress. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." With that he got up and walked back in the house

Isabel looked at him as he walks in the house. Little did she know that the boy he talked about was someone she just meet today. She thought about what Chresanto or Roc said. Tell someone before you become more depress. Those words ran through her head. She got up and walked in the house. Once she got in the living she saw 2 girls there.

"Isabel These girl are Zonnique and Bahja This is Isabel" Rayan said

"Wow you are so pretty" Bahja said to Isabel

Isabel quickly went upstairs to her room. She got her box out of her suitcase and sat on the bed. She opens it and take out the first picture. She never smile except when she look at her picture. Then tears ran down her eyes. Her room door open and walked in Rayan. She quicks hides her box under her pillow.

"You want pizza" He asked her

She nod then quickly went to the bathroom. Rayan wondered what was that box she hid. He looked under the pillow to find the box open. He took out one of the picture of Isabel and a baby boy. She was smiling. He placed that picture away and pulled out a folded paper. He opens and Its a flyer of missing baby named Treyvon Rodriguez. Isabel walked out the bathroom and see Rayan looking at the flyer.

She grabbed the flyer out his hand and pushed him out the room and she leans aganist the door. Rayan wondered who is Treyvon Rodriguez. Time for google. He went downstairs to everyone.

"Question Have anyone heard of Treyvon Rodriguez" He asked them

They all said no. He sat next to Zonnique and went on her phone and searched for this Treyvon Rodriguez.

"Why you asked" Chresanto asked

"Just to asked" He looked back on his phone

20 Month old Treyvon Rodriguez went missing in LA read one of the result is found dead. He looked at the article. The mother reported the young boy missing after a trip to the park with her just 3 months later police found the boy's body in the same park he went missing in stabbed many time and shot once in the head.

"What you reading" Zonnique asked him

"Nothing" He thought Why Isabel has this missing boy flyer.

Isabel on the other hand was not calm. She cried. The pizza came and Chresanto offered to take Isabel hers. He knocked on her door and walked in

"Umm pizza" He said and hands her the plate and a can of pepsi

She took the plate and soda. Chresanto sat on the bed in front of her

"Was you crying" He asked her

She tried to ignore her and tried to eat the pizza.

"Isabel why you crying? Pretty girls like you don't need to cry" He told her

She don't like her body. She always think someone is lying to her just to make her feel good.

"If you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you" He got up and walked out the room

She thought maybe she could trust Chresanto but alot need to happen before Isabel can trust you

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