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I woke up at 5:16. I kept waking up last night. I see that you're still sleeping peacefully. I slip out of your grasp and sit up. I place your head in my lap and play with your hair. Sometimes I still question why you love me, I don't understand how you love me. I wonder how my memory works. I can remember the bad things, the sounds, words, the motions. I remember them so vividly. I didn't realize I was crying. It wasn't really a cry, it was more my tears were falling. It was only 5:48 in the morning. I knew this day would be rough but not this early. I moved you so I could stand up. I went to the kitchen and found the things to make molasses cookies. They were comforting and brought good memories. I turned on my playlist that helped me go back in time sorta, back into my memories. I started making the cookies. I made sure to make extra dough so I could make a role and place it in the freezer. I got the dough done and I made about 2 cookie sheets and placed them in the oven. The rest of the dough I rolled into a log and wrapped it in plastic wrap. I cleaned up the mess and checked the time. 6:03. I went back into your room to see you hugging a pillow. I walked over to you and kissed the top of your head. I walked away and back in the kitchen. I finished cleaning up and the cookies were done. I took them out and put some sugar on top of them. I took the cookies off of the cookie sheet and placed them on a paper towel. I cleaned the cookie sheets and then got a container and placed the cookies in the container. I placed the container on the counter and threw the paper towel away. I went back into your room and went to take a shower. I grabbed my clothes. After my shower I changed into black jeans, a white t-shirt, I also got thigh highs on, and got on a purple bracelet. I checked the time. 6:58. You should be up soon. I cleaned up my things and put them away. I grabbed my backpack and grabbed my art bag. I went to the back door and opened the door. I went and sat on the porch. I got my headphones on and started to play some music. Music always helped me calm down, same with drawing. I started to just draw little things. They didn't have much detail or match each other but I didn't really care. After about 30 minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. It scared me and I punched whoever it was. "OWW" "i'm so sorry love i didn't know it was you." "It's ok darling" "you ok" "yea but what were you doing outside" "oh just spending some time with myself." "Also, did you cook something in the kitchen that smells good" "oh yea i made some cookies if you want to have some" "ok love. Now let's get inside. It's cold out here." I got my things and headed inside with you. "Now love are you ok you seem down" "im ok just memories" "its ok love" you hugged me from the side and i leaned onto you. You kissed the top of my head. After a while I was ok. I was talking to you. I started to tease you because I was bored. "Ok your just asking to be fucked" "maybe i am maybe im not." you stood up off the couch and picked me up. You threw me over your shoulder and brought me to our bedroom. You flopped me down on the bed and pinned me down. "I like where this is going" I kissed you and you kissed back. You asked for entrance and I playfully declined. You squeezed my thing and I opened my mouth just enough for you to slip your tongue in. After about 5 minutes we separated with a string of saliva. You stood up and went to your drawer. You grabbed some things. I looked down and looked back up and You were out of my view. I looked around before being pulled down. You kissed me again and started to take my clothes off. After you were done all you left on was the thigh highs. You grabbed the cuffs and tied me up. You kissed my neck leaving marks. You hit my sweet spot and I moaned. "No noise puppy, not yet at least" "ok sir" it kept getting harder to keep the noises in. After a bit you pulled away and took off the rest of your clothes. After you lined up with my pussy and slowly pushed in. I moaned not caring about what you said. "Already breaking rules puppy, pathetic" I whimpered. "Aww how cute menting under my touch." (say that i like it) you slowly started to move it was near impossible to stay quiet. "You can make noise now, puppy." I moaned right after you said that. You started to move faster. My moans were getting louder. You were going harder and deeper. I was moaning uncontrollably. "Daddy" "yes slut" "can i cum" "yes but this is still going, understood." "I understand daddy" "you can cum" i came and moaned and you came too. You stopped moving so I could catch my breath. Once I calmed down you pulled out and slammed into my ass. I screamed and moaned. You started to go really fast, deep and hard. It was painful and pleasurable. I was close again. Before I knew it I broke rule 3. "Bad puppy" you pulled out all the way and slammed in as hard as you could. I pulled on the restaurants and screamed. You kept going like that till you came. You pulled out and untied me, you sat me on the floor and sat in front of me. I started to tease your dick. You grabbed the back of my head and lifted my head up. You said in a deep mad sexxy voice "no fucking teaseing." it sent shivers down my spine. You let go and I started to suck your dick. You grabbed the back of my head and moved my head up and down. You started to move my head faster. You shoved my head down and came down my throat. I swallowed it. You picked me up and brought me to the bathroom. You started a bath and set me in there. You grabbed clothes and towels. You came back in and got in behind me. I crawled into your chest. I rubbed my back. "You did such a good job baby '' I was moved, telling you to keep saying things like that. "You are a good puppy" "You did a good job love , thank you" "Anytime puppy" "i'm a twinkie" i said giggling. "Yes you are love" you helped wash me and yourself. I kissed your chest cause yes and I was too tired to move up. You kissed the top of my head. "I love you" "I love too, love." you got out and picked me up i dried off and changed into shorts. I didn't put a bra on or a shirt. You got on a shirt and some shorts. I waddled over to the bed and flopped on it. You laughed and I flipped you off. "You wanna go again?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "I'm just joking love" "I thought we realized that i can't tell if someone is joking or not." you walked over to the bed and crawled on your side. You got under the blanket and I lifted my arms towards you. You pulled me to where I was next to you. I crawled under the blanket and into your shirt. "Ok love"I rolled over so my face was in your chest. It was comforting. I wrapped my arms around you and fell asleep. You had your arm around me too. We fell asleep in each other's arms. (i want to do that really bad)

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