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I have been visiting you for a week now. You introduced me to your friends and family. I decided I wanted to do something for you, like bring you on a date. I got up at 7 am because that's when I woke up. I knew you weren't going to be there when I woke up because you had work. I went to the kitchen. I was wearing one of your shirts that went off my shoulder shorts that were converted by the shirt and that was it. I went to the fridge and saw a note. Good morning love, I went to work and made sure to take your meds. I love you. ~the love of your life i smiled and went to take my meds. I had breakfast, which was a banana. I threw it away and went to take a shower. I took a quick shower and got out. I dried off and then got on a white oversized hoodie and a skirt that was just concord by the hoodie. I got on a pink bracelet and did my makeup. I did light makeup. I went to my suitcase and found some white thigh highs with light pink bows on the top. I brushed my hair and it went poof. I shook my head and giggled. I got bored so I decided to clean the bedroom. Ater i was done I looked around the room and realized I haven't unpacked yet. I went to one of my suitcases and got my shoes out. I had one pair of high heels, 2 pairs of sneakers, and platforms. I also had the boots that I had on when I arrived. I placed them on the shoe rack by the front door. I went to find alex. I found him lying in the sunlight. I sat next to him and he looked up at me and placed his head on my lap. I started to pet him. After a while I heard the front door open. Alex sat up and went to the door. I followed alex. I saw Ari standing there. "Toby, get your shoes on, we're going to hang out." I laughed. "ok " i got shoes that match my outfit. I shut off the lights and grabbed my bag ( a backpack that has my wallet, headphones, ect.) We went shopping and I got a coloring book for amethyst and fire, color pencils ( a pack of like 100), clothes, stickers, and flowers. Ari dropped me off at home and she headed home. I God home and got the flowers in some water and put everything away. I heard the door open again and looked passed the corner I saw you petting Alex's head. J jumped up and ran to you. I jumped in to your arms. You caught me. I sat up. "Ha I'm taller" "I mean i could put youIN/ down." "NOOOO" "ok puppy" I kissed you. You kissed back emeditly. You moved your hands from under my thighs to my ass. I let out a small moan and opened my mouth enough for you to slip your tongue in. After a bit you pulled away. "Love as much as I like where this i going I have something planned for you." "What is that puppy" "a date" "Really " "mhm" I jumped down and you shaped my ass. "HEYY" "I had to" I grabbed your hand and showed you the flowers. "Aww thank you puppy" you grabbed my wai8and pulled me close to you. You placed your hand under my chin and moved my head up. You kissed me slowly and passionately. I wrapped my arms around your neck. We pulled apart. "Love go get ready" "ok" you kissed the top of my head. You came out of our room wearing shorts and a blake shirt. I grabbed tour hand and we got in the car. I got in the driver's seat. Cause driving yes. "Please don't kill us" "IM A GOOD DRIVER" "yea until I talk" "Shut up and let me drive" I turned on my playlist. We arrived at Wendy's. "It's good" "it is" we ate dinner then headed home you drove because I was on call with my mom. "You having fun?" "Yea mom I am" "when are you coming home for your things?" "In two weeks. Then I'll be home for a week to pack the rest of my things." "Ok I got to go I love you" "I love you too mom" I hung up and we were home. We got out and headed inside. Once you shut the door you picked me up and head me by my thighs. You pinned me up against the wall and kissed me. You tried to get entrance but I declined. You moved your hand to my ass and I moaned. I opened my mouth just enough for you to slip your tongue in. You explored my mouth. After a bit you carried me to our room. You threw me on the bed. You pinned my arms down and kissed me the same way you did. I moaned. You started to take off my clothes except the thigh highs. Once you took them off you kissed me again. You moved your hands over my body, you moved one hand down to my sweet spot. You started to rub it. I started to moan. "More" "more? You really are a slut." "Hmmm" you took off your clothes and slowly pushed in. (It feels amazing when you push in slowly) I started to moan louder. "Good girl" "mhmhm" you started to go faster. The faster you went the louder I moaned. "Daddy" "yes puppy" "can I cum" "so soon? Pathetic" "please daddy" "you can cum puppy" I came. You moved faster than you came. You leaned forward and kissed my neck. You pulled out and crawled in bed. I cuddled on your chest. "Sleep" "ok" I fell asleep to your breathing and playing with your hair.

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