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Mayo POV

Neither girls had their minds up on their outfits, they had both drifted off to completely different worlds. Mayo slipped on a simple plain white baby doll dress that tied in a bow in the back. She grabbed equally white platform Alexander's to pair with them. Once Dookie had finished getting ready the two headed down stairs dreading the day that was in front of them.

Mayo was immediately met with the intense eidolon that had become Yeosang to her. He walked towards her surrounded by what seemed to be a pink hugh, or maybe that was just how her eyes had decided to portray him. Either way he was approaching her rapidly, her heartbeat matching his footsteps. He reached for her hand, interlocking his fingers into hers in an inviting sweep. Still stunned by how she was reacting to him, she had no reaction to his sudden connection. She looked up meeting Dookie's eyes that looked more shocked than she felt. A little laugh coming from her, Mayo smiled glad to have given her friend a bit of entertainment.

"Alright let's go! ", San became apparent, making Mayo pissed off all over again. He led everyone out of the door and into the Mustang awaiting their travels. Yesoang and Mayo were in the back, hands still placed on each other, neither one daring to look at the other. They had arrived at their destination in a short 10 minutes, it being a strip of malls. They spent the majority of the day walking up and down the girls sticking together and leading the narrative of where they would go next. It had gone surprisingly smooth with little interaction from either side.

" I think it's about time we go to the final destination. What do you think Yeo?"Yeosang looked at San and offered him a laugh, the same laugh you would give someone that you have known your entire life. " Yeah dude, whatever that is. Let's go". All four hopped back into the car, Dookie and Mayo taking the seats in the back this time. Mayo wasn't aware of her actions, but she had started tracing the curves of Yeosangs profile, picking out her favorite crease by his eyes, the birthmark that blushed his cheekbone, the way his lips pouted and parted, his breathing patterns. Everything about him she had become hyper aware of.

The car coming to a jerking stop brought her back to reality, blushing at her own actions hoping no one was paying attention. " Alright Kiddos come on out. You're going to love this", San's voice played with the words as they came out. Mayo opened the door slowly, as her eyes settled she was blessed with the most brilliant orange she had ever seen. Water sparkled, reflecting the powerful presence of the red sun that was nestled at the very top of the trees. The trees were the darkest richest shade of green spiraling into the sky announcing their presence to the world. Blue and brown birds circled following the current of the winds that guided them to their homes. Small specks of boats told the story of the sailors that were coming in from a long day's work. Magically stunning, Mayo felt that she had entered a completely different world.

Yeosang pushed the small of her back guiding her towards a secluded section of the forest where they could have a view of their own. Somewhere along the way she had lost Dookie and San, she gave a nervous look that was calmed by a small nod from Yeonsang, saying it was okay, and they would be okay. The two sat on rocks directly at the edge of the cliff, the trees being their only protection from the heat of the setting sun. Mayo's eyes were twinkling with awe, Yeosang's were directed towards her, a similar twinkle in them.

" How did you guys know about a place like this and not tell us all sooner?", Mayo asked, breaking the silence that had been in place for almost an hour.

" I had no idea he was going to take us here. I've been here before, I just didn't think about it", Yeosang replied, shrugging off the comment.

"Do you like it?", he asked in a tone that seemed to be asking about more than just the view.

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