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Yeah! Look at them, roaring as their bodies collide. Uttering the foulest language, the big orcs pummel each other for an age before collapsing in a pile of laughing glee through swollen, bloody lips. If only you could copy the brutal movements of these big, strong warriors.

The warriors pick you up and take you back to the sty, while you swing your arms and imagine your little fists pounding on a victim of your fighting prowess.

One day, everyone from your crop of baborc spawn is led from the play sty and sat down around a campfire. An aged orc barbarian, Crazed Crax, from the dwarf-infested mountains to the north, has come to visit. He tinkers with his crossbow, greasing cords and tightening bolts before unslinging an axe and slumping down on a grubby, but plush cushion.

By Krog his arms are big, crossed with veins and scars. His huge tusks are ornamented with gold bands. Noticing your curious gawking, he picks you up to place on his lap before regaling the camp with tales of horrible non-orcs and how he smashed them all to mush.

The grim demises of which creatures thrills you the most?

The Merchant of our Chilly Kings) volume 2Where stories live. Discover now