Chapter One

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     Cold is a word that will never describe the complete and utter harshness of the wind, and just all-around piercing chill of the atmosphere that my best friend, Mave, and I experienced. In the chill of November dusk, it wasn't just the cold that made us shake in our bones. Well, more like, made me shake in my bones. It was the whispers. The whispers of the willowing, bending, aching, wooded Oaks and Pines that soared and towered into the sky.

     They seemed to speak and bristle with unspoken words. Words of caution. Of warning. The trees knew of the darkness that set upon the woods at night, and most people knew they didn't like it.

     There are tales, stories, oral retellings, call it what you will, of the things that happened at night. One would be a fool not to heed them. Unfortunately, we were fools.

     I quicken my pace, falling back into stride with Mave. I pulled my cloak tighter around me, not that it'll do any good, but one can try.

    "Pull yourself together Lilith," Mave says to me. She lifts her lantern higher so I can see her face better and rolls her eyes.

Her face was glittered with freckles and her eyes were as dark as her hair, chocolate. Her hair was rich in length and thickness. Very much different from me.

     "When will you stop being so skittish about the woods? Those stories only make you jumpier." She asked as I hook an arm around her's and we continue walking.

     "Can I help it? Hanya said..." I start.

     "Hanya knows nothing but stories to scare children. Unfortunately, they work, and a little too well since you are eighteen." Mave counters.

     I shake my head and stay quiet. Mave has never believed. But I have. I do. One can't live in Thorin's Cove without at least acknowledging the presence of creeping darkness.

    I spot the town lamps signaling the beginnings of town and begin to walk faster.

    "Come one Mave!! Philip will have made dinner by now!" I say over my shoulder.

    "Alright alright! I'm coming!" Mave calls after me.

    Once we reach the town gates, where Rogan, the old guard, stands sleeping, I slow down. Thankful for the rush of heat I got from sprinting, I sigh. The warm light of town feels much better than the daunting chill of the woods. Mave shakes Rogan's shoulder slightly to wake him up.

    "Up and at 'em old man. You're still on duty."

    Rogan startles, blinks a few times, then scowls, "Augh, who you callin 'old man'? I'm to be treated with respect ya know!"

     Mave smiles and nods, "Of course, of course. Just keepin' ya on yer toes." She then hands him a bundle tied up.

     Rogan eyes it warily, then smiles realizing it was his medicine from Madam Zee, "Ah yes! My herbs. I take it back lass, you're a good'n."

     Mave pats his shoulder and nods. Ever since Madam Zee accepted Mave to be her apprentice at her apothecary, she's been running errands dropping off medicines for patients and gathering herbs from deep in the forest. Much to my dismay, I always seem to find myself on her escapades when she needs to collect such items. While I hold no ill will toward Madam Zee, she's an odd old lady, keeps much to herself, and as such lives out of town and several miles into the green, creeping forest. Mave seems to like her though and unlike me, shows no fear of the things around her, seen or unseen. What I wouldn't give to live like my best friend.

     As she falls into step next to me, I sling an arm through hers.

     "I wonder what type of dessert Philip will have made." I say aloud. Usually, it's filled and creamy. He's truly the best baker in all of Thorin's Cove, and if anything can bring warmth and light in the dark dreary month of November, it's Philips baking.

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