Chapter three

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     I walk into the house but stop short when I see Philip waiting for me. I smile and begin to greet him. Except he doesn't return it. "Philip? What's the matter?" He frowns at me and shakes his head. "What? What is it?" I ask again. He just continues to shake his head at me.

     Then Hanya comes into the foyer, and I rush to her, "Hanya, something is wrong with Philip. What's the matter?" Hanya pulls out of my reach and sneers, "You."

     "What?" I stumble back.

     "YOU! You're the problem!" Pointing at me - she shrieks, "You're the problem for both of us!" She stalks after me while I scramble, trying to get away from her, "DID you think we needed a child so early? You're a burden, an infestation!"

     "No, no. no." I try to stop the accusations by covering my ears, but it does nothing. "Please stop! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

     She screams in my face, "You're not welcomed here! You rodent, you weak child! YOU CURSED CHILD! That's what you are! A CURSE!"


     I sit straight up in my bed, tears streaming down my face. No, no, no. I'm shaking as I rise out of bed. I don't understand where that nightmare came from. Hanya and Philip would never treat me like that. They love me. I mean... Yes! Of course they do.

     It takes all my strength to dress myself and go to the kitchen. Hanya is already up and making breakfast, so I move quickly to help her. It was just a dream. That's all. A horrible, terrible dream. It will never come true. I am not a curse. Suddenly though I'm breathing quickly, and my shaking worsens. I'm going to break down, and I really don't feel like it this morning.

     So, instead I quickly tell Hanya I forgot I was meeting Mave this morning and have to rush out. She looks at me with concern, but I barely catch her goodbye because I've thrown my cloak on and slipped my boots on, while rushing out the door. Then I book it. I burst into a full sprint, not really caring where I go until I hear the whinny of horses coming from a large stable.

     I immediately recognized it as the LeBlanc Stables. Sylias' family stables. Sylias. I wonder if he's here and approaches the doors to peek inside. Besides the horses and a few caretakers, it's empty. Since our families are friends, I've grown up with Sylias, messing around in the hay, giggling and laughing while getting in trouble as little children do. He'd tug my braids and then cry when I'd push him down too hard. In which I'd get in trouble, and he'd stick a smug tongue out at me.

     A smile spreads on my face as I think of those memories. I head to my favorite horse here in the stables, a soft grey horse whose gentleness mirrors her owner. Aura is Lais' horse although that's not why she is my favorite.

     I click my tongue twice to get her attention once I reach her stall. She is munching on some hay and perks up in my presence. Aura seems to recognize me because she clops over to me and stretches her neck out to be pet.

     "Sweet Aura." I nuzzle her soft nose with my cheek. "How's your baby?" I ask excitedly.

     Aura neighs and turns so I can look inside the stall. There sleeping in the hay is almost an exact copy of Aura. A little foal, barely a week old.

     Aura sniffs and nuzzles her baby lovingly. "What a beautiful baby." I smile then wonder aloud, "What's your name, little one? Has Sylias named you quite yet?" I lean over the door slightly to look in better.


     I startle and whip my head to the voice. There leaning against a wooden pole, munching on an apple is Sylias. I smirk.

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