iii. Brutal / Favorite Crime

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vol i

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vol i. ( && 2023 GIFTS )
▬ loading day three . . .

❝ ego crush is so severe / one heart broke, four hands bloody ❞

a gift for -JASONSGRACE !

kelly, i truly don't know how you do it. your ability to update consistently and adhere to a schedule reflects a level of dedication that i can only dream of having at this point 😂

you're genuinely one of the most welcoming individuals on this platform. i remember being so nervous to reach out and share the first pair of covers i'd ever made for brutal and favorite crime but you were literally so kind and supportive▬even though, in retrospect, they may not have been my best work hahaha but hey! i think they were like the second and third graphics i'd ever made...ever. so thank you for giving me the opportunity then, and thank you for continuing to give me the opportunity over this past year or so▬i feel like it's a part of the reason my skills have improved so much in so little time <3

and so! i gift to you, a new pair of covers for brutal and favorite crime. i feel like these definitely showcase my evolution as a designer hahaha and i hope you like them as much as i do!

PS: it comes as no surprise that i initially misspelled favorite as favourite again but hey at least it was easier to fix this time 😂

i also just wanna say that you and lucy absolutely crack me up. you guys truly make this platform a more alive and fun place to be, and it's something i really appreciate <3

anywhooooo happy holidays and happy new year! xx

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❝ 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐩, dude. it's 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 ❞

GRAPHIC USE !  ▬▬ remember that there is absolutely no obligation to use any of the graphics gifted to you

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GRAPHIC USE !  ▬▬ remember that there is absolutely no obligation to use any of the graphics gifted to you. however, please credit me if you do choose to use them ( wherever you see fit ) <3

HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR GIFT/S !  ▬▬ pm me for the google drive link.

HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR GIFT/S !  ▬▬ pm me for the google drive link

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