viii. Capital Punishment

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vol i

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vol i. ( && 2023 GIFTS )
▬ loading day eight . . .

❝ snow lands on top ❞

a gift for leoslcve !

kj, as soon as you teased capital punishment on tiktok, i just knew i had to make some sort of gift for it! as a winx club fan, i really loved sadie in fate, so it was really fun to use those resources to make a cute little title gif <3

from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being so supportive of my graphics this past year▬i genuinely appreciate it so much! xx

you truly put so much effort into your stories and edits (seriously, i'm gonna need some tutorials▬your tiktoks are so good 😭), and it's honestly amazing to see. i also just wanna say that myself, and probably a bunch of others, have your back; so if people are bugging you about updates, just know that i won't hesitate to politely tell them to fuck off because no one should ever make you feel like you don't update enough 🫶

so update when you can and when you want▬that's the most important thing to remember! it's what keeps writing a passion instead of a chore <3

anywhooooo, happy holidays and happy new year! xx

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❝ 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐩, dude. it's 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 ❞

GRAPHIC USE !  ▬▬ remember that there is absolutely no obligation to use any of the graphics gifted to you

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GRAPHIC USE ! ▬▬ remember that there is absolutely no obligation to use any of the graphics gifted to you. however, please credit me if you do choose to use them ( wherever you see fit ) <3

HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR GIFT/S ! ▬▬ pm me for the google drive link.

HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR GIFT/S !  ▬▬ pm me for the google drive link

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