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The next morning, Carly wakes up to the realization that Freddie is still away. As she navigates through her day, there are moments of both joy and yearning. Meanwhile, Freddie continues his work with the hope of returning to Carly soon. The anticipation of their reunion grows stronger, and the love they share serves as a constant thread weaving through their separate lives. The story unfolds as they navigate the challenges of a temporary separation and look forward to the day they can be together again.

*Carly wakes up to the morning thunder, the sound resonating through her room.*

Carly: (muttering) Thunderstorms... Freddie always loved those.

*As Carly begins her day, the distant thunder serves as a reminder of Freddie's absence, sparking memories and emotions as she faces another day without him.*

*Meanwhile, Sam is in the living room when she receives a text from Freddie.*

Freddie's text: Hey, don't tell Carly, but I might be back sooner than she thinks. Trying to surprise her. Keep it on the down-low.

*Sam reads the message with a grin, excited about the surprise that might bring Carly a burst of joy amid the longing for Freddie's return.*

*Sam responds to Freddie's text:*

Sam: Got it, Freddie. Your secret is safe with me. Can't wait to see Carly's face when you surprise her.

*Sam joins in the excitement, looking forward to the joyous reunion that might be sooner than Carly expects.*

*Carly comes out of her room in her pajamas, the morning sunlight casting a soft glow on her.*

Carly: Morning, Sam. Any plans for today?

*Carly, still in her morning attire, faces the day with a mix of routine and curiosity about what the day might bring.*

*Sam to Carly:* Anything you wanna do, we can do.

Carly responds: How about we go hang with Spencer?

*They consider spending the day with Spencer, bringing a mix of familiarity and fun to their plans as they navigate through the moments of their lives.*

Carly:* Why are you smiling so hard right now?

Sam responds, lying to her: Oh, something Shane said.

*Sam keeps Freddie's surprise under wraps, weaving a playful deception to maintain the secret and the excitement for Carly.*

Carly: Awww, okay.

*Carly, unknowingly, accepts Sam's response, unaware of the hidden surprise that might unfold later in the day.*

*Freddie texts Sam:* There's a chance I'll be back Thursday night. Don't tell Carly.

*Freddie shares an update about his potential return, adding an extra layer of excitement to the anticipation of surprising Carly.*

*Sam texts Freddie back:*

Sam: Got it, Freddie. Lips are sealed. Can't wait for the surprise.

*Sam maintains the secret, eagerly awaiting the moment when Carly will be delighted by Freddie's unexpected return.*

*Carly to Sam:* Shall we get ready and go hang out with Spencer?

Sam responds: It's gonna rain all day, so what do you want to do?

*They face a change in plans due to the weather, prompting them to brainstorm alternative activities for their day.*

Carly: How about an indoor movie marathon? We can pick some of our favorites and make it a cozy day.

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