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Once upon a time, John Mulaney was in a lab. He was on that good kush and decided to clone himself. His clone was also high, so 35 more times, all of his clones just cloned themselves until the kush wore out. 

They all did the same thing at the same time, and he REALLY wanted limes; he eats them like an apple, skin and all. All of them went to the grocery store and grabbed limes and after leaving after spending 47.3 minutes trying to pay for one bag of limes, he demolished the limes. 

All of them came home to his wife and she was so confused. There were 37 clones of her husband. All 37 of them said in unison "HONEY IM HOOOOOME!" She screamed. Trying to kiss her, she was suffocated to death.

It was all a nightmare of John's, a recurring one about his divorce.

the end

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