Chapter 1

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“ Viv, you'll be here, right?” Warren asked through the phone, his voice laden with uncertainty “ill be there” I forced out “You promise?” he asked quietly, I shut my eyes “I promise.”

my stomach knotted with anxiety as I boarded my plane at exactly 3am. The stars were visible despite the scattered clouds. They glinted in the November sky like diamonds. Pushing away all thoughts of diamond rings, I sighed and made my way into my 1st class seat.

I'm so used to flying that it doesn't phase me when the plane takes off. I take a deep breath in and hold it for 4 seconds before releasing it.

tomorrow looms in my mind like a vengeful ghost i try not to think of Warren and the stifled excitement in his voice as he told me he's going to meet me in London and that we're going to a holiday party his parents are hosting i could tell from the unsure look in his  eyes that he was hesitant to ask me for fear of me refusing but after I reluctantly agreed he informed me that he had already bought my plane ticket and that I was flying in on Friday which is the night before the party he also failed to mention when he'd be there.

“I have a meeting at work. I'll talk to you tonight” he placed a quick kiss on my cheek and left me in confusion.


I slept fitfully for the majority of  my 7 hour  flight. i was awakened by turbulence. After that, I couldn't fall back asleep.

I grabbed a book I picked up from an antique shop back home in New York. It found a strange comfort in the worn spine. i ran my fingertips across the faded cover

I opened the first page with anticipation, and the book turned out to be a delightful story telling a romantic yet heart-wrenching tale of two star crossed lovers set in the 1920s.

i read the whole book swiftly and the sound of the pilot announcing our landing startled me back to reality I checked my phone and I was surprised to see that's its  10am already which means my plane just touched down at a bustling airport somewhere near London, Warren said his sister would pick me at from the airport and anxiety prickled my chest at the thought of meeting his family

i gathered my bags and  climbed off the plane. i noticed a stranger with a familiar face waiting for me and an equally familiar looking stranger holding a sign that reads “ Welcome to London Viv!“ in bright pink lettering  Warren taught me all about his family and I learned his sister is older than him by 4 years and her name is Alison he also told me she's quite an enthusiastic person hence my apprehension at meeting her

“Oh my god, you must be Vivienne!“ she exclaimed, startling me with a hug “yep that's me” i answered and  pulled away after an awkward 20 seconds I studied her face for a second and if I didn't know better I'd think she was younger than Warren  long tight blonde curls frame her  angelic face thats split by a almost blinding grin

“im so glad to finally meet you” she squeals  “likewise” I respond with a small smile I like her energy it's a refreshing change compared   to the cold,  vacant strangers back in New York and Warren's constantly cool demeanor “Oh and this Grant. ” she gestures to the man holding the sign “he's our cousin, but he's more like an annoying little brother.“ she says, her velvetly British accent seeping through her words he gives me a quick nod

  “It's very nice to meet you both” I state while shaking his outstretched  hand “now let's get to the car its bloody freezing out here” I follow her to the sleek running car waiting for us “ I call shotgun!“ Grant yells


in Alison's BMW, the uncomfortable awkwardness defrosted slowly after 30 minutes of  chatter

I learned that Grant is an insurance agent and Alison is an account they both seem to be quite successful, which I recall Warren telling me about  is an expectation in his family of famous lawyers and doctors

I felt something akin to fear at the thought of  meeting his parents who are both extremely well off I rolled my shoulders and looked down at my converse resting on the gray carpeted car floor it's going to be fine I remind myself we've only been dating for a year and I'm going to have to tell him sooner or later but for now we can just enjoy our holiday

“So Vivienne, what are you studying back in New york?“ Grant inquired
I leaned forward on my leather seat “I'm studying Business and Finance at NYU, I want to work in financial management when I graduate. ” I replied.

Alison glanced at me in the rear view mirror, her blue eyes painfully similar to Warren's. His eyes were like a seemingly bottomless ocean that if im not too careful, I might drown in.

“That's lovely. Are you planning on working at a firm or pursuing opening your own business?“ Grant queried turning in his seat to see me from the front seat “im not entirely sure yet, I'm keeping an eye out for potentially job prospects but I'll have to see once I graduate.

“ Grant, appearing to be satisfied with my answer turned to Alison “ When is Warren arriving? " He asks with an annoyed sigh.

I study my chipped red nail polish, I'm trying to beat my nail-biting habit, and having manicured nails seems to deter me from one of my destructive, anxious habits

“He better be here by tomorrow morning or Mum will flip” Alison answers with one hand on the steering wheel and the other reaching for her pink travel mug.

I yawn and the jet lag starts to hit me like a train breathing in the strange scent of Alison's car I lean back against the stiff seat and rest my eyes til we arrive at The Evergreen House and meet the rest of Warren's family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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