T W E N T Y - F O U R

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I bit the end of my highlighter, glaring down at the small text  for what felt like the hundredth time, still not understanding what in the hell I was reading. 

I was in the library, doing a last minute study session before my exam tomorrow, when I suddenly had a weird feeling like someone was watching me.

My head snapped up as I took in my surroundings, frowning when I saw no one in sight. 

The library itself was mostly empty except for the few stragglers here and there, doing some last minute prep like me. 

I was near the back of the library, where it was quieter and less distracting, and now I somehow realize that it was possibly a mistake for me to be so secluded.  

A noise sounded from one of the selves behind me, and I snapped my head towards it, quickly gathering my things and shoving them haphazardly into my bag. 

Nope...not doing it. 

I could handle Wolves...

I could handle Witches...

I could even handle handsome assholes that disliked the very being of my existence. 

What I couldn't handle was freaking ghosts or demons or anything related to that. 

I blame my old babysitter, the woman who instilled the fear in me at a very early age, always telling stories of her own encounters with supernatural entities, the last one so horrendously awful that she was forced to walk around with a permanent scar on her face as well as being fully decked out from head to toe in anything evil eye related item she could get her hands on. 

I have no idea what I am now but my parents, my...adoptive parents, were white and Irish-American, therefore, I was raised the American way. 

You know, the type of people that didn't investigate the spooky noise but instead called the police whenever they heard said spooky sound or weird noise. 

I accidentally banged my shoulder on a bookshelf, sucking in a deep breath and exhaling a curse as a book dropped wide open to the floor.

I picked up the book quickly, my eyes skimming the words without comprehension. 

I was about to put the book back on the shelf when a particular word stood out to me, making me pause mid-return. 

I dropped my stuff on the floor and flipped the book back open, browsing the pages until I found the one that it was just on. 

The Fae...

The Ones that started it all...

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